Thursday 31 October 2013

Backstage Reaction To Randy Orton Celebration On WWE Raw,Latest On This Week’s Tryouts

Randy Orton's Celebration On Raw: 
As you can imagine, most of the WWE talents hate segments like the ones on RAW where they all have to stand on the stage and get lectured by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Nobody can or does say anything about it. The feeling is everyone on the stage that has to stand there and do nothing while insulted, particularly if you’re a babyface, comes across like a prelim-level guy. 

As reported earlier this week, students from the Team 3D Wrestling Academy and the Team Vision Dojo received tryouts before Monday’s RAW in Orlando. The best four talents were told they would be getting a live dark match tryout before Tuesday night’s tapings in Tampa but that never happened.
By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 WWE Insider

New WWE Signing,Update On Mexican Talents To WWE,What Happened To WWE’s Deal With Yahoo

New WWE Signing: 
A new name in WWE developmental is Cole Andrews, real name Stephen Good. He’s measured at the NFL combine at 6 foot 4 3/4 inches and 300 pounds. He’s since trimmed down to 275 pounds. Andrews started as an offensive guard for the University of Oklahoma last season but wasn’t drafted in the NFL draft, despite being a prospect. He’s very strong, having done a competition 475 pound bench press at the age of 17. Jim Ross was instrumental in getting Andrews a WWE tryout. 

Mexican Wrestling Talents: 
When WWE was recently in Mexico, they did not do any tryouts with talents like they usually do when they’re in Mexico or the UK. WWE is still very interested in Mexican talent but the approach will be different. WWE is not interested in Volador Jr. and Rey Mysterio, through his influence, is likely to get a tryout for Bestia 666, the son of Damian 666.
WWE's Deal With Yahoo: 
Regarding WWE’s content deal with Yahoo that was announced this past April, the one that everyone figured would be the end of WWE’s partnership with YouTube, the official word from both WWE and Yahoo is that the deal was delayed due to a variety of factors but they’re still exploring opportunities together. 

By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 
WWE Insider 

WWE Network Announcement Coming Soon?,Latest Update On Sheamus & Mark Henry,More

WWE Network: 
The rumored February 24th start date for the WWE Network may or may not be accurate but there is definitely a plan for a launch that will be announced soon, so the current idea would be to launch around that time. A new TV commercial to promote the launch of the Network was recently filmed. 

Mark Henry And Sheamus: 
WWE officials are still looking for Sheamus to return in early 2014. There is still no definitive time frame for when Mark Henry will return.

There will be a book done in comic form about the life of Andre the Giant released in early 2014 by First Second Books. The title will be “Andre the Giant: Life and Legend.” 

By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Nikki Bella Talks About Returning To Action On Monday’s WWE Raw Episode

Nikki Bella spoke with about returning to action this past Monday on Raw.

“You know, I was nervous, but I have to say knowing Brie was going to be by my side I felt a lot better,” Nikki said. “Brie has just been killing it in the ring; it made me feel really comfortable knowing that she’s been going two hours before every show and training really hard with her fiancé, Daniel Bryan. This past week, when I was given a green light to do just a tiny bit of stuff, I was going in early with them just to move around the ring and get the feel for it. She definitely helped calm my nerves because I knew if I got in trouble she was going to be right there to save the day.” 

By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 
WWE Insider 

WWE Main Event Results – October 30th, 2013.

WWE Main Event Results – October 30th, 2013
We are welcomed by Josh Matthews to Main Event. He is joined by The Miz. Kofi Kingston is on his way to the ring.

Kofi Kingston vs Ryback
Kofi starts off with some heavy offense, using kicks to the chest to try and take down Ryback. Kofi hit’s a back kick to the chest, but Ryback takes him down. Ryback begins to choke Kofi with the middle rope, breaking the choke hold at 4. Kofi tries to fight back but takes a shoulder block by Ryback. Ryback goes for a splash but Kofi moves out of the way. Ryback however takes down Kofi once again, locking him in a headlock.
Kofi fights out but Ryback hit’s a couple of clubbing blows to the back. Ryback goes for a clothesline but Kofi lands an arm drag. Kofi tries for Trouble in Paradise but Ryback rolls to the outside. Kofi hit’s a cross body on Ryback to the outside. Ryback gains control again, trying to throw Kofi into the steel steps. Kofi jumps over and lands a double axe handle. Ryback rolls in the ring and as Kofi gets in the ring, Ryback hit’s a boot on Kofi, landing on the outside. We head to commercial break as Kofi is out cold.We return with Kofi trying to gain some offense, but Ryback halting it with a shoulder block. Ryback goes for a pin for a 2 count. Ryback hit’s a jackhammer, and goes for the cover. Ryback only gets a 2 count, and seems to be frustrated. Ryback hit’s a couple of chops to the chest on Kofi, followed by some blows to the back. Kofi ducks a third chop by Ryback, and begins to hit some chops of his own. Ryback grabs Kofi and brings him to the top rope. Ryback just throws Kofi off the turnbuckle, and begins the beat down.
Kofi tries to fight back, but Ryback hit’s a belly to belly suplex for a 2 count. Ryback begins to taunt Kofi as he is on the ground. Ryback lifts Kofi and places him in a modified Torture Rack. Kofi fights out, and goes to the apron. Kofi goes for a springboard attack but is caught into a power slam. Ryback goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Ryback goes for the Meat Hook but it is reversed by Kofi into a Tornado DDT.
Kofi begins his comeback sequence, followed by the Boom Drop. Kofi sets up for the Trouble in Paradise, but Ryback picks him up for a power slam. Kofi reversed it into a roll up for a 2 count. Kofi goes up top and hit’s a cross body for another 2 count. Ryback takes Kofi down and goes for a second rope splash, but Kofi gets his feet up. Kofi goes for a springboard dropkick and hits it for a 2 count. Ryback gets up and hit’s a Meat Hook. Ryback calls for the end. Ryback hit’s a Shell Shock for the 3 count.
Winner: Ryback

We are shown highlights of the match as Ryback celebrates. We are shown a replay of Sandow vs Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship, where Sandow failed to successively cash in his Money In The Bank contract. We are told Cena will make his return to Smackdown this Friday.

Santino Marella is now making his way to the ring, and he will be in action when we return from commercial.

We return with 3MB making their way to the ring.

Santino Marella vs Heath Slater
Santino starts the match with a roll, as Heath Slater starts with some air guitar. Santino tries to Kip Up but is unsuccessful. Slater throws Santino in the corner, and taunts Santino some more. Both men lock up in the ring, and Santino wins the test of strength. Santino begins to gain some momentum, and Heath gets caught in the ropes to get some space. Slater hits Santino in the gut with the knee and goes for the cover for a 2 count. Slater locks in a headlock as Santino tries to get some help from the fans. Santino gets out and hit’s a couple of punches on Slater, but Santino is knocked straight back down. Slater throws Santino to the outside, but Santino holds on. Santino rolls back in but takes too long and Slater knocks him down. Santino successfully kips up and Slater can not believe it. Santino goes for the cobra but hits Jinder on the apron. He then hits Slater and gets the 3 count.
Winner: Santino Marella

Santino celebrates in the middle of the ring as 3MB looks on from the outside. The Raw Rebound is up next after the commercial break.

We return to the Raw Rebound of Randy Orton’s championship celebration, that is interrupted by The Big Show. We are shown a video of Michael Cole interviewing Triple H. They discuss the lawsuit that Big Show has on the WWE. Triple H says Big Show’s lawsuit doesn’t matter, and that Big Show is banned from the WWE for life.

Fandango and Summer Rae make their way to the ring. We cut to commercial.

We return to The Great Khali making his way to the ring with Natalya and Hornswoggle.

The Great Khali vs Fandango
Fandango starts off the match with a chop to Khali’s chest, but it has no affect. Khali brings Fandango to the corner, and begins to hit multiple elbows to Fandango’s head, as well as a couple chops to the chest. Fandango rolls out to the ring, as Summer asks if he’s okay. Fandango grabs Hornswoggle, but Khali comes down and throws Fandango in the ring. Fandango kicks Khali’s leg as he enters the ring, and begins to work on the leg.
Fandango goes top rope and gets caught with a chop to the chest as he jumps at Khali. Khali is calling for the chop but Summer distracts him. Fandango hit’s a DDT on Khali and then finishes Khali off with the Leg Drop. Fandango goes for the cover and gets a 3 count.
Winner: Fandango

Fandango and a hurting Summer Rae celebrate as we cut to a preview of the second half of Season 1 of Total Divas.

Los Matadores are now making their way to the ring. They are in action right after the following commercial break.

Los Matadores vs Los Locales
Diego starts off the match with one of Los Locales, locking Diego in an arm lock. Diego is knocked down with a shoulder, but kips up right away. Diego hit’s a couple of arm drags, and tags in Fernando. Fernando hit’s a couple of dropkicks, but is taken down with a punch to the stomach. Los Locales make a tag but Fernando immediately takes control. Fernando hit’s a hurricanrana for a 2 count. Los Locales however gain control with a double team dropkick.
Fernando takes a kick to the back but kicks out at 2. Fernando fights out of a leg lock and makes the tag to Diego. El Torito takes out one of Los Locales on the outside. Diego takes out the other in the ring after hitting a monkey flip from the corner. Diego then connects with a top rope axe handle. Fernando is tagged in and Los Matadores hit their double finisher for the 3 count.
Winners: Los Matadores

Los Matadores celebrate in the ring as Main Event concludes. 

By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Triple H Bans The Big Show For Life & Explains Why He Didn’t Save Shawn Michaels On RAW.

On the official website of the WWE, they have posted the latest storyline interview with the COO Triple H, conducted by Michael Cole today. Below are highlights of the interview:

- Triple H discussed Randy Orton winning the WWE Championship this past Sunday at the Hell In A Cell pay-per-view. He goes on to say that it wasn’t about what he wanted personally, but rather what’s “best for business.”

- The reason why Triple H did not come to the ring to save his best friend Shawn Michaels, when Daniel Bryan applied the “Yes Lock” to him on RAW, is because Michaels asked him to let him handle the situation by himself.

- When Daniel Bryan was attacked by The Wyatt Family backstage on RAW, Triple H said that it was karma for what Bryan did to Michaels earlier in the night. He goes on to say that Bryan got what was coming to him. The COO noted that Bryan was sent to the hospital, while Shawn Michaels walked out of the arena that night.

- Michael Cole brought up that WWE star, and attorney, David Otunga feels that WWE should take The Big Show’s lawsuit very seriously. Triple H interrupted Cole while he was reading the statement, and said as of this moment, The Big Show is banned from the WWE for life. 

By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 
WWE Insider

Jim Ross Q&A: Negotiating A WCW Wrestler To WWE, TNA Being The #2 Company And More.

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his Q&A section on Here are some questions answers.

What was WWF President Jack Tunney like? 
Really, nice, fun respectful guy who was a joy to be around. Was always good for a laugh and a good story.

Was there a reason why WWE never did a 3 man announce team with Monsoon, Heenan and yourself? 
I’d have no idea but I wouldn’t have gone there if asked for my opinion. Heenan and Gorilla did not need me or anyone else. Three man teams rarely work in pro wrestling.

Toughest negotiation you had in trying to bring a WCW guy to the WWF? 
If there were issues it was that in WWE one would work more dates and the guaranteed money would be lower but that there would be no ceiling on what a talent could earn if they clicked.

Will TNA ever be the number two company? 
OMO TNA needs to be re=booted with a new philosophy and structure. Too many people in the biz over think the biz and its simply not that complicated.

More disrespectful to mention the Benoit name on WWE television in anyway shape or form, or to cast a shadow over his wrestling career? 
Considering the actions of Chris in the last hours of his life, I’d suggest that there is no way to separate his wrestling career with the murder/suicide involving his family. He was a great wrestler but his inexplicable actions of the last hours of his life overshadow any wrestling matches in a fictitious world. 

By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Edge Celebrating Milestone Birthday Today,WWE Teams With Cingular,Sheamus & Xavier Woods

Edge Celebrating Milestone Birthday: 
Former WWE Superstar Adam “Edge” Copeland turned 40 today. Edge addressed his milestone birthday, writing on Twitter: 

Edges Tweet: Thanks for all the b-day love guys. You never fail to amaze me with your loyalty. Cyber winks and hugs to you all.
Edges Tweet: Now off to continue slaying the day #40yearsstrong
Edges Tweet: Oh and cyber handshakes and hi fives too.

Cingular Teams With WWE: 
Cingular will announce an agreement on Thursday with WWE to “sell everything from ringtones with famous wrestlers’ voices to graphics and videos, including weekly matches and the annual spring tournament,” according to Fox News. 

Seamus And Xavier Woods: posted footage of Sheamus and Xavier Woods appearing yesterday at Folsom Elementary School. 

By SheaMcHugh 
30th October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Video: Official WWE 2K14 Launch Trailer

Introducing WWE 2K14, featuring the 30 Years of WrestleMania Mode, gameplay refinements, improved Universe Mode, more customization options and the greatest roster in franchise history. Available now. 

By SheaMcHugh 
30th October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Backstage News From Tuesday’s WWE SmackDown Tapings,Vince McMahon,WWE 2K14

Backstage News From Smackdown (1/11/13) 
Vince and Stephanie McMahon were not at Tuesday’s tapings, leaving Triple H in charge of the show, Paul Heyman was backstage at Tuesday’s WWE tapings, but left early in the show and
Sean “X-Pac” Waltman was backstage at the tapings visiting friends.

WWE 2K14:
WWE 2K14 video game publisher Take-Two Interactive Software reported strong results for the second quarter of fiscal year 2014. The company also increased its financial outlook for fiscal year 2014, ending March 31, 2014. 

By SheaMcHugh 
30th October 2013  
WWE Insider 

Become Immortal-WWE 2K14 (Press Release)

The following press release was issued regarding the release of the WWE 2K14 video game:

Experience the most authentic, comprehensive and electrifying WWE® video game to date – and win a trip to WrestleMania® 30 in New Orleans

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Oct. 29, 2013– 2K today announced that WWE® 2K14, the Company’s latest release in the flagship WWE video game franchise, is now available throughout North America for the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system. Complementing the game’s launch, 2K also announced the WrestleMania® 30 contest, in which players may submit creative screenshots of in-ring WWE 2K14 action – inspired by sought-after WrestleMania 30 matches – for a chance to win an all-expense-paid trip for two to the pop culture extravaganza of the year, WrestleMania® 30, scheduled for Sunday, April 6, 2014 at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans.

“With an unparalleled roster of iconic WWE Superstars, Divas and Legends, and 46 of the greatest matchups spanning three decades of WWE history in 30 Years of WrestleMania Mode, WWE 2K14 is the most authentic and comprehensive WWE simulation experience produced to date,” said Chris Snyder, Senior Director of Marketing at 2K. “We have improved all aspects of the game to emulate the WWE experience more closely than ever before.”

WWE 2K14 ushers in a new era of the popular WWE video game franchise and brings forth several signature gameplay improvements, including a revamped player navigation system, a new reversal system and hundreds of new moves, including new catapult finishers and OMG Moments. The game’s renowned Creation Suite and Universe Mode give players new levels of customization, versatility and freedom through development of personalized Superstars, arenas, championships, storylines, finishing moves and more, while offering complete control of the WWE experience from a career-driven point of view. WWE 2K14 also delivers the single greatest roster ever assembled, including WWE 2K14 cover Superstar Dwayne “The Rock®” Johnson, John Cena®, Hulk Hogan, Undertaker®, Ultimate Warrior, CM Punk®, “Macho Man” Randy Savage™, Daniel Bryan, Goldberg, Stone Cold Steve Austin® and The Shield.

WWE 2K14 features the unprecedented 30 Years of WrestleMania Mode single-player campaign, taking players on a historic journey through three decades of high-profile matches and memorable moments in WWE history. Beginning with the inaugural WrestleMania, the journey encompasses 46 signature matches, including Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant at WrestleMania 3, Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 12 and The Rock vs. John Cena at WrestleMania 28. 30 Years of WrestleMania Mode is complete with authentically recreated arenas, entrances and ring attires, era-specific graphics, filters and other presentation elements, as well as WWE-produced video packages, cinematic in-game cut scenes, historical objectives and a host of unlockable rewards. Complementing the mode as a separate offering, players will also encounter the immortal Undertaker to defend or defeat his 21-0 WrestleMania match record in a gauntlet-style feature known as The Streak.

In celebration of the game’s release, 2K is launching a contest to offer players the chance to win a trip to WrestleMania 30. Fans are encouraged to create a desired WrestleMania 30 matchup using WWE 2K14 for Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, capture a screenshot of the in-game action and submit to 2K for a chance to win airfare, hotel and two tickets to WrestleMania 30. The contest is open to legal residents of the 50 U.S. states and D.C. (excluding AZ, CT, MD, and ND), Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Entrants must be at least 18 years of age and the age of majority in their state of residence. The WrestleMania 30 contest begins at 12:00:00 AM Pacific Time (“PT”) on October 29, 2013 and ends at 11:59:59 PM PT on January 9, 2014. The contest is void in AZ, CT, MD, ND, and where prohibited, as well as subject to the official rules, located at

Developed by Yukes for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system, WWE 2K14 is positioned to deliver the greatest roster in franchise history and be the most electrifying, authentic and comprehensive WWE video game experience to date. WWE 2K14 is rated T for Teen by the ESRB. Fans who pre-ordered WWE 2K14 will receive Ultimate Warrior at no extra cost on launch day.
For more information on WWE 2K14 and 2K, visit, and @WWEgames on Twitter.

2K is a wholly owned publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO). 

By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Backstage News On Paul Heyman’s WWE Status & Ryback, Mick Foley On The WWE Network?

Paul Heyman And Ryback: 
Plans last week called for the CM Punk vs. Paul Heyman feud to continue until December of this year but plans changed over the weekend and they ended the feud at Hell In a Cell. Heyman was backstage at Monday’s RAW but the impression was given that his alliance with Ryback is finished. We noted before that Ryback may be pulled from Heyman because of heat Ryback has from WWE officials. Heyman may not be back on WWE TV until Brock Lesnar returns. 

Mick Foley:
We’ve been covering how WWE will be filming one of Mick Foley’s upcoming comedy events in New York. Foley himself stated the special could end up on TV, Netflix or a similar outlet. Sources within WWE report that the special is being taped so WWE will have it on-hand for the Network when it launches. 

By SheaMcHugh
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Backstage News On Shawn Michaels & Daniel Bryan,WWE Hits “Reset Button” At Raw.

Shawn Michaels And Daniel Bryan: 
Word coming out of RAW is that Shawn Michaels is finished in the storylines until he’s needed again. Daniel Bryan putting the Yes Lock on Shawn was Bryan getting revenge and ending the angle. There has been no talk at all about HBK coming out of retirement to wrestle another match. 

WWE Hits Reset Button: 
WWE did was is being described as a “reset” on the storylines with Monday’s RAW. Vince McMahon was making changes and scripts were being re-written as late as 3-4pm on Monday afternoon. As noted, original plans had Vince McMahon returning to get involved with Big Show but as they were re-writing the scripts on Monday, Vince was written out. 

By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Latest On Nikki Bella And John Cena,SoCal Val At WWE Tapings, NXT Champions At Raw (Photo)

Nikki Bella And John Cena: 
Nikki Bella confirmed on Twitter that she’s now living in Tampa with boyfriend John Cena. The WWE Total Divas mid-season finale ended with Cena asking Nikki to move in with him.  

SoCal Val: 
Former TNA Knockout SoCal Val was in attendance for Monday’s RAW in Orlando and Tuesday’s SmackDown tapings in Tampa. She was shown on camera at the start of the SmackDown tapings, likely just as the camera scanned the crowd. 

NXT Champions At Raw: 
WWE had several NXT stars signing autographs and meeting fans at Monday and Tuesday’s TV events. Here is a photo of NXT Tag Team Champions The Ascension along with NXT Champion Bo Dallas and NXT Women’s Champion Paige at RAW: 

By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Daniel Bryan Pulled, John Morrison Responds To John Cena

Daniel Bryan Pulled: 
To sell the attack from The Wyatt Family on Monday’s RAW, WWE kept Daniel Bryan from making media appearances on Tuesday. As you can see below, he was scheduled for The Bubba the Love Sponge Show but WWE sent Cody Rhodes and Goldust instead: 

John Morrison Responds: 
As seen on Monday’s RAW, John Cena hyped his return to SmackDown and said he’s going as the “Friday Night Delight.” A fan on Twitter pointed this out to John Morrison, who used that nickname in WWE, and Morrison replied: 

John Morrisons Tweet: always knew he was a fan RT @umang305: well @JohnCena said that he is going to smackdown as ''Friday Night Delight'' any thoughts on that?

By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

How Much Weight Goldust Dropped Before Returning, Curtis Axel, WWE Survivor Series Theme

How Much Weight Goldust Lost Before Returning: 
WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Goldust spoke with Rock Riley of The Bright House Sports Network on Tuesday. Cody noted that their pairing wasn’t something that was planned out for a long time. Goldust noted that he feels better than ever after dropping 60 pounds on a No-Carb diet.  

Curtis Axel: 
WWE Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel, who is dealing with a hip injury, was backstage at Tuesday’s SmackDown tapings in Tampa.  

Survivor Series Theme: 
The official theme song for WWE’s Survivor Series pay-per-view is “How I Feel” by Flo Rida. He sent out a tweet thanking WWE this week. 

Flo Rida's Tweet: Shout out to my @WWE Family for making "How I Feel" the Official #SurvivorSeries Theme! RT to help me welcome back the champ @JohnCena! 

By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Fist 2 Episodes Of Chris Jerichos New Show-"But I'am Chris Jericho",Summer Rae Praises Eva Torres

Here are the first two episodes of Chris Jericho’s new web series, But I’m Chris Jericho!  

Summer Rae Praises Eva Torres: 
Several of the WWE Divas have tweeted about the self defense class that former WWE Diva Eve Torres taught them in Tampa yesterday. Here’s what Summer Rae wrote: 

Summer Rae's Tweet: I had such a great time at @EveMarieTorres #SelfDefense class today! She taught us things that I would never even think of👌😃 #womenempowered 

By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

NXT Referee Makes His Debut On Superstars,WWE Try-Outs This Week,Former WWE Superstar In Attendance At Raw

NXT Referee Makes Debut:
WWE NXT referee Shawn Bennett made his main roster debut at Monday night’s WWE Superstars tapings.  

WWE Try-Outs: 
Students from The Team 3D Wrestling Academy worked as extras and did tryouts for WWE before RAW on Monday. Talents from the Team Vision Dojo, which Scott Hall and Larry Zbyszko are involved with, also got a look from WWE officials at RAW. Talents from both schools were also present for Tuesday’s SmackDown tapings. 

Former WWE Superstar In Attendance At Raw: 
Former WWE star Scotty 2 Hotty was in attendance for Monday’s RAW in Orlando. 

By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

*SPOILERS* WWE Smackdown 11/1

WWE taped November 1st’s WWE SmackDown episode from the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Florida. Here are full WWE SmackDown spoilers.

Dark Match
* Adrian Neville defeated Sami Zayn

WWE SmackDown Spoilers
* World Heavyweight Champion John Cena kicks off SmackDown and talks about winning the belt at Hell In a Cell and how he’s back on SmackDown. He’s interrupted by Zeb Colter, Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro. Damien Sandow comes out and calls Cena a hypocrite, running him down. WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Goldust are out next. It looks like we’ve got Cena, Cody and Goldust vs. Sandow, Cesaro and Swagger for tonight’s main event.

* Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vs. The Usos is up next. They tease more tension in The Shield. Big E Langston comes out and stands at ringside for The Usos. The Usos end up getting the win clean by pinfall. After the match, Big E has a staredown with The Shield, mainly Roman Reigns, until they retreat through the crowd.

* There’s a segment with Dolph Ziggler trying to sell WWE Shop merchandise.

* Erick Rowan and Luke Harper vs. Darren Young and Titus O’Neil is up next. Harper and Rowan dominate and manhandle Young early on. Wyatts get the win. After the match, Bray Wyatt comes in the ring and hits Young with a nasty looking Sister Abigail.

* MizTV with The Miz is up next. New WWE Champion Randy Orton is the special guest. Right in the middle of a question, Orton lays The Miz out with a RKO and smiles.

* The Bella Twins and Natalya defeated AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka and Alicia Fox when Natalya made AJ tap to the Sharpshooter.

* They air a Survivor Series promo.

* Another taped interview with Triple H talking about Big Show’s lawsuit. Triple H says Big Show is now banned from WWE for life.

* John Cena, Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. Damien Sandow, Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro is up next. Cody and Goldust were acting hesitant to interact with Cena. This was described as one of the best multi-man matches in some time. Cena gets the win for his team by pinning Swagger. 

By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

What Happened After WWE SmackDown Tapings, Bella Twins Photoshoot Preview, Steve Austin

Smackdown Tapings: 
The dark main event after Tuesday’s WWE SmackDown tapings in Tampa saw Daniel Bryan defeat WWE Champion Randy Orton by DQ when The Shield interfered.

Stone Cold:
To promote Grown Ups 2 on DVD and Blu-ray, WWE’s website has published a playlist of Steve Austin’s biggest Stunners. 

Bella Twins Photoshoot Preview: The Bella Twins posted a preview for their upcoming Road Warriors shoot for WWE Magazine: 


By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Ryback & More In Action On WWE Main Event,Nxt Wrestlers Work Its Dark Match

WE taped the following matches Tuesday in Tampa to air on Wednesday’s Main Event:

* Kofi Kingston vs. Ryback

* Heath Slater vs. Santino Marella

* Fandango vs. The Great Khali

* Los Locals vs. Los Matadores

- The dark match before Tuesday’s WWE tapings in Tampa saw NXT stars Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn go at it. Neville won the match that saw Sami play a bit of a heel role. 

*SPOILER* WWE Main Event Results 10/30

WWE taped October 30th’s WWE Main Event episode from the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Florida. Here are full WWE Main Event spoilers.

Dark Match:
*Adrian Neville defeated Sami Zayn with the Red Arrow.

WWE Main Event:
* Ryback pinned Kofi Kingson with a Shellshock. At one point during the bout, Ryback used the Jackhammer.

* Santino Marella defeated Heath Slater with the Cobra.

* A recap of Damien Sandow Cashing in and a Triple H promo on Big Show’s lawsuit is shown.

* Fandango with Summer Rae vs. The Great Khali with Natalya and Hornswoggle is up next. This match was very bad and got boring chants. Fandango gets the win and everyone fights.

* Los Matadores defeated Los Locals. 

Tuesday 29 October 2013

WWE 2K14 Hands On Review

This is a review of the new WWE game WWE 2K14 which has been widely advertised in the last few weeks as you will know,this review was taking from WrestleZone Writer Bob Bamber,Enjoy. 

On Thursday evening I was invited to a launch/preview evening of the WWE 2K14 game. Having not played a wrestling game in the better part of four years, I invited one of my co-podcasters along, Colin Judkins, who plays the games a lot more than I do (and even designs some arenas for it – nerd!). Colin's comments will underscore this review and provide some context where I cannot. For the sake of context, also, we both only spent the evening playing against other people in exhibition matches, so cannot comment directly on AI/game mode changes.

My first reaction was to be, not surprisingly, blown away by the graphics of the game. The roster this year is incredibly deep with old talent, owing to the 30 Years of Wrestlemania modes. And those wrestlers are expertly detailed with retro and modern day (ish) versions of the likes of Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker and more. Also, as Colin will touch on now, some of the small details really add a nice depth to it all:
"They have put a lot of work into not only the characters involved, but the arenas and on screen presentations too. When playing in the Wrestlemania II arena, you’ll notice a grainy effect on screen even slightly darkened around the edges. This to replicate old camera effects. This coupled with on screen graphics, like wrestler names and venues authentic to the Wrestlemania event just make this game that much better. Switch to more recent events and you are greeted with WWE in all of its HD glory".

My early matches with the game were fun, if a bit daunting, as I tried to work out the very basics of playing the game. Disappointingly, picking Brock Lesnar with the intention of striking my way out of there wasn't as profitable as I had hoped! But once I had got to grips with this it was an immensely fun game to play. This actually feels more “intelligent” than wrestling games I used to play, in the sense that you need to be much more thoughtful in your offense, as you might lose control in the game very quickly. I was about to moan about the ease/frequency that you seemed to be able to counter moves, but Colin provides some context. I still think it got a bit excessive at times, though:

"Most noticeable to me was the overhaul of the reversal system. WWE 13 could become a “reversal-fest” when playing with friends, making the game unplayable for a large portion when it came to the online match system. This year’s game is not void of reversals, but it doesn’t get as silly as last year. Most reversals now end in the blocker executing a move on their opponent, only multiple blocking incidents coming from strikes. That however seemed limited to two or three reversals at most".

But even small little glitches and errors can make the game incredibly enjoyable. In a tune-up match before the tournament we had, both myself and my opponent selected managers (Paul Heyman and Mr Fuji). There was a great moment when both managers got into the ring, walked to opposite corners and simultaneously removed the turnbuckle covers. There was also a moment where Heyman appeared to RKO Fuji on the outside – but don't quote me on that one! One surprising good move by Fuji was when he climbed up on the apron to distract the referee when I was out for the count with Yokozuna – still took me six attempts to kick out, mind!

The match experiences themselves were excellent, though. I'm not sure what (if any) of these are newer features, or ones I've just not played with before. But things like the move sequences were really nice – Cena walking through his “five moves of doom” with a camera angle to match is a really nice touch. The kickout system is probably the best I've seen on any wrestling game I've played – when you nail the small target after being hit with a finisher you pop as you would with a major kickout – and that's really cool.

And that really was my main takeaway from the game. Maybe I haven't or won't play games enough to the degree that I can get bogged down in the minor details that take away from the game, but playing it made me feel like a kid again, and I can't remember a wrestling game that is capable of replicating the emotions of big game matches like WWE 2K14 did. Even in a tournament match on a WWE video game, Colin (as Cena) had a four minute epic with CM Punk (not even in video games is it possible for those two to have a bad match!). There was also an epic ladder match between myself (as Damien Sandow) against Antonio Cesaro – but I'll let that one live on in the memory of the three of us who witnessed it!

It's not to say I didn't find the odd flaws with it. The physics system still seems a bit out of whack, with heavy wrestlers still getting thrown around far too easily. I still thought the reversal system was a bit too heavy – but it felt good. On the whole I would highly recommend purchasing this game if you're at all interested in wrestling games. Not sure it would be right for me to speak of regular gamers, but I think if you've been away from the franchise for a while, this is definitely a game you might want to come back and take a look at.

You can follow myself (@BobbyBamber) and Colin (@C_Judders) on Twitter. 

As  you will know i have not personally bought the game myself yet as i'am waiting for next gen but i would fully recommend buying this after all the reviews i'am hearing,it seems to be the best WWE video game in years. 

By SheaMcHugh

Mondays WWE Raw Raises Ratings And Viewership

Monday episode of WWE Raw scored a 2.98 cable TV rating, which is up from the previous week’s 2.71 rating.

The show averaged 4.152 million viewers, up from last week’s 3.825 million viewers. Raw averaged 4.315 million viewers the first hour, 4.185 million the second, and 3.956 million viewers the final third hour. 

Latest On Big Show Vs Triple H,Goldust Pulled From Indy Event,Legend At SD Tapings

Latest On Big Show Vs Triple H:
One of the current plans for WWE’s Survivor Series pay-per-view is to feature Big Show vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship. The teased match between Show and Triple H will likely still take place, but at the December TLC pay-per-view instead, according to the Wrestling Observer. 

Goldust Pulled From Indy Event: 
Tommy Dreamer has announced that Goldust has been pulled from the November 9th House of Hardcore 3 event, due to WWE commitments. Dreamer also announced that if anyone wanted a refund, he would be happy to honor the request. 

WWE Legend At Smackdown Taping: 
WWE legend Tatanka tweeted earlier that he is at tonight’s Smackdown taping in Tampa, Florida. 

Tatanka's Tweet: Heading right now to @WWE Smackdown TV, Tampa, Fl with my family & friends! Thanks #WWE for the generosity! 

Vince McMahon Scripted To Return On Monday’s WWE Raw, Latest On CM Punk’s Cut From Raw

Vince McMahons Return: 
There were reportedly two scripts for this week’s WWE Raw, one that featured Vince McMahon and another that didn’t. Obviously, the one without Vince ended up being used. Vince is however expected to return to WWE television very soon. 

Cm Punks Cut: 
CM Punk was busted open above his eye during the attack from the Wyatt Family on Monday’s Raw. Punk didn’t require stitches. 

Kane Tweets Stephanie McMahon,Fans Re-act To Shawn Michaels,Big E Langston

Kane Tweets To Stephanie:
Kane tweeted Stephanie McMahon after Monday’s RAW:

Kane's Tweet: It's what's best for business, @StephMcMahon. #RAW

Shawn Michaels:
Shawn Michaels received a lot of boos from the crowd at RAW Monday night when referees helped him to the back after the Yes Lock from Daniel Bryan.

Big E Langston:
Big E Langston tweeted about failing to capture gold with two title shots after Monday night’s DQ win over United States Champion Dean Ambrose:

Big E's Tweet: The number of different ways I can be screwed out of a title shot is rapidly growing. 

WWE Posts Storyline Update On Bryan,Pre-sale Code For Orlando Florida

Storyline Update On Bryan: 
- WWE has posted a storyline update on Daniel Bryan from Dr. Michael Sampson, saying that Bryan was sent to a local hospital for further diagnostic testing following the attack from The Wyatt Family on RAW. 

Pre-Sale Code For Orlando: 
- WWE will return to the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida for a live event on February 2nd, 2014. The pre-sale code is WWELIVE. 

Mick Foley Gives Praise To Damien Sandows Shpwing On Raw

During Monday’s WWE RAW, Damien Sandow cashed in his Money In The Bank Contract against John Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship. John Cena was able to defeat Sandow and retain his title in a very entertaining and lengthy match to kick off RAW.

WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley was really impressed with Damien Sandow, even though he did not win the championship. Foley posted the following on his official Twitter account: 

Foley On Twitter: THAT WAS AWESOME! Who else found themselves being swept up in the wave of excitement that IS @TheDamienSandow-mania! #RAW Way to go Damien!  

Foley was then dealt with a lot of Dissapointed fans who didnt understand why sich a young Talent like Sandow would be held back by WWE to make John Cena look Bigger,his response is below: 

Foley On Twitter: Come on all you #DebbieDowners out there - what happened to @TheDamienSandow 
was FAR from a burial! It was the dawning of the age of Sandow! 

What Happened After Monday Night Raw Went Off-Air (28/10/13)

After Monday’s episode of WWE Raw went off the air, Triple H addressed the crowd and said that The Big Show is lucky that he left because he was about to whip his ass. Triple H then proceeded to tell everyone that he was throwing them out.

Stephanie McMahon took the mic while fans insulted Triple H. Triple H then told the crowd that since no one wants to leave, you’re all hired for WWE and guess what… “you’re all fired, get the hell out.”

The announcer then thanked the fans for coming and wished everyone a safe journey home.

That was it, there was no post-show dark match. While leaving, fans were still chanting “Yes!”

Monday 19 August 2013

A Note on the Crowd's Reaction to the SummerSlam Ending

Note on Crowd Reaction to SummerSlam Ending 

According to Mike Epsenhart, who was in attendance for SummerSlam last night, the crowd was definitely deflated after Randy Orton cashed in and won the WWE Title. There was said to be a ton of buzz within the crowd just minutes before when Daniel Bryan defeated John Cena, but after the show was over there was little crowd chatter or buzz, as most people were left wondering what had just happened. 

However we have received word from another fan in attendance that was not really the case. We were told:

The crowd was electric when Daniel Bryan won, but lots of cheers with Orton coming out and cashing in. I think people appreciated his heel turn. Lots of "Cena Sucks" and "You can't wrestle" chants during the match.
I was surprised how many people cheered for Orton since they were just cheering Bryan. I don't think people I saw were deflated. 

Backstage Reaction To The End Of The John Cena vs Danial Bryan

According to, while the response to the ending of SummerSlam last night has been mostly positive, there was somewhat of a mixed bag type reaction backstage in WWE.

Some felt the angle was fantastic, and now Daniel Bryan is in a place where he can he can tell a great story chasing the title and getting his revenge, which will get him over even more.

Others felt WWE should have let Bryan have his WWE Title win moment, as the win against Cena at a PPV like SummerSlam was enough to get him over immediately, and he wouldn't need to try to get over chasing the title.

It's also being said that there were several people who thought it was pretty ridiculous that Bryan couldn't kick out of the Orton pin since so much time had elapsed between the pin and Triple H's pedigree. The feeling by some is that a retired wrestler's maneuver shouldn't more devastating than anything John Cena did to Bryan during the bout. 


By SheaMcHugh 
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Latest On John Cena Having Surgey & More

– Word going around at SummerSlam is that John Cena is still looking to have elbow surgery this coming week. We won’t know how long he could be out until after the surgery. Cena also suffered a left eye injury during the SummerSlam match with Daniel Bryan.

- The WWE NXT Tout account posted a video of Paul Heyman teasing that his next recruit may be a “Paul Heyman girl” instead of a male wrestler, leading fans to speculate that Heyman may be recruiting NXT Women’s Champion Paige
- Former WWE announcer Matt Striker will be hosting the “Best of WWE at Madison Square Garden” DVD and Blu-ray that comes out later this month. The segments were filmed before Striker was released back in June.

By SheaMcHugh 
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Alberto Del Rio & Drew McIntyre's Fight,Primo And Epico & More

- There are conflicting reports regarding the fight with Alberto Del Rio and Drew McIntyre at SummerSlam on Sunday, which is the reason Del Rio was sporting a black eye. Reports that Del Rio and Drew fought each other may be incorrect as the two may have gotten into a fight with other people outside of WWE. It was said they returned to their hotel yesterday afternoon looking beat up. Drew posted a photo of himself having dinner after SummerSlam and shows no signs of damage, as was reported.

- Wrestlers backstage at SummerSlam gave the CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar match a standing ovation.

- Primo and Epico are being re-packaged as a matador tag team. No word yet if Rosa Mendes will be with them.

-Reports of heat on Ric Flair for his behavior at the WWE 2K14 event on Saturday night has been confirmed. The feeling is that Flair “hi-jacked” the event. Word is that the video game people weren’t bothered at all but WWE officials were pretty upset.
Flair was close to signing a new public relations contract with WWE but Saturday night may have put that deal in jeopardy, at least for the time being. He was also scheduled to make a surprise SummerSlam appearance but that was nixed

August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Cm Punk Not Finished With Heyman,Cody Rhodes Teases & More

- WWE’s website caught up with several stars after SummerSlam Sunday night:

* CM Punk said he’s not in this to win, he’s in it to hurt Paul Heyman. Punk isn’t interested in wins or losses, he just wants to break Heyman’s face. Punk said it’s not over.

* Cody Rhodes said he is over Damien Sandow and has never felt this vindicated in his career. Cody had no comment on shaving his mustache but teased something happening real soon that we don’t want to miss. Sandow also spoke and still insisted he is the better man.

* Big Show felt the way Daniel Bryan lost the WWE Title was “garbage.” Show teased wanting to knock out Triple H.

* Christian was “heartbroken” following his loss to Alberto Del Rio. He noted that he has some things to think over.

* Natalya got emotional and said she cried after her match because she felt like she did it for her dad, her grandfather and her uncles, Bret and Owen Hart. 


By SheaMcHugh
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Confirmed For Tonight’s WWE Raw

Tonight’s WWE RAW takes place from the Honda Center in Anaheim, California with the fallout from SummerSlam. Triple H, Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon are advertised for tonight. Brock Lesnar is not advertised.

No matches have been announced but The Shield vs. John Cena and Mark Henry is advertised locally. WWE is focusing on the following points for tonight’s show:

* What does CM Punk have planned for Paul Heyman and his minions?

* How will Christian rally to make another run at the World Title?

* Who will Bray Wyatt target next?

* How will Daniel Bryan recover from being betrayed at SummerSlam, can he recover?

* What’s next for Randy Orton and how does Triple H fit into the plans?


By SheaMcHugh
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Alberto Del Rio Involved In Backstage Fight Before SummerSlam?

Alberto Del Rio Involved in Backstage Fight Before SummerSlam?  

According to the Wrestling Observer, the reason World Heavyweight Champion Alberto del Rio looked so banged up in his match against Christian Sunday night, is that he may have been involved in a physical altercation with fellow WWE Superstar Drew McIntyre. 

While details are scarce, rumor has it that the two got into it backstage this weekend before SummerSlam, and the fight may have involved a few others. Del Rio had a noticeably bruised face and black eye during his championship match against Christian, which he won. 


By SheaMcHugh
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

WWE Summerslam Results (8/18)

WWE Summerslam Results (8/18) 

SummerSlam Kick-Off Show 
United States Championship 
Rob Van Dam Vs Dean Ambrose(C) 

Winner (by disqualification) - Rob Van Dam (Dean Ambrose Retains)  

Ring of Fire Match
Kane vs Bray Wyatt (w/ The Wyatt Family)

Winner - Bray Wyatt 

Damien Sandow vs Cody Rhodes
Winner - Cody Rhodes
World Heavyweight Championship
Christian vs Alberto Del Rio (c)
Winner - Alberto Del Rio
Natalya (w/ The Funkadactyls) vs Brie Bella (w/ Nikki Bella & Eva Marie)
Winner - Natalya 

No Holds Barred
CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman)
Winner - Brock Lesnar
Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs Big E Langston & AJ Lee
Winners - Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn
WWE Championship (w/ Triple H as Special Guest Referee)
Daniel Bryan vs John Cena (c)
Winner and NEW WWE Champion - Daniel Bryan

Randy Orton Cashes In After Triple H Pedigrees Danial Bryan And Triple H And Orton Celebrate At The End.

New WWE Champion Randy Orton

By SheaMcHugh
August 19th 2013
WWE Insider

Steve Austin on WWE Studios,

 Steve Austin On WWE Studios

WWE Hall of Famer "Stone Cold" Steve Austin told Variety that he was very frustrated with the WWE's decision to not bring Tough Enough back for a second season.

"It was a great show. The numbers were very good. We had a great time doing it. Why they didn’t bring it back still baffles me to this day because I loved doing that show. It was a great way to be in the business I know and love without having to be in the ring taking lumps."

The Texas Rattlesnake covered a few more topics in his Variety interview, including how WWE can be making money off their ventures in the film industry, the Steve Austin Show podcast series and more. 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Sunday 18 August 2013

JR Responds to Claims, Aj Lee Comments On Her Relationship With Ziggler

JR Responds to Claims 

A Fan Has Asked Jim Ross The Question That Most People Have Been Wondering This Morning,Was Jim Ross Drunk Last Night At The 2K Panal,The Question And Jim Ross's Response Is Below.

Fan: @JRsBBQ Some on-line sites are posting that you and Ric Flair were drunk. Went as far to say that @StephMcMahon had to come in an apologize

Jim Ross: “@dono6971: @JRsBBQ Some on-line sites are posting that you and Ric Flair were drunk. Complete lie. I was not drunk. Ridiculous. 

Jim Ross: When I'm tired my Bell's palsy has always made he slur @ times giving some who don't know me the wrong impression. Weakened facial muscles.  

Aj Lee Comments On Her Relationship With Ziggler 

During a recent inteview conducted for, AJ Lee had the following to say regarding her real life relationship with Dolph Ziggler:

The really funny thing is that somewhere along the way, Dolph and I and E became really good friends, which is so weird. Especially since a year ago, I think Dolph and I actually hated each other… just for no reason! We were just like, “We’re so opposite.” Like, “He’s such a douche bag,” and he thought I was the biggest nerd. We were just mean to each other. And then to work together so much, where we are traveling together and go to dinner together and we enjoy each other’s company, it’s so funny to me. Like how did that happen? So now it’s so bittersweet that it feels like everything’s ending, you know? It feels like we’re all going to leave SummerSlam and go our separate ways, and that is the saddest thing in the world to me. But it’s really cool that three of my best friends right now in the industry will all be together at Summer Slam. That’s really cool to me. 

By SheaMcHugh
August 18th 2013 
WWE Insider

Why HHH is Booked as the Special Referee Tonight, Rey Mysterio Grants 8 Wishes During SummerSlam Weekend

Why HHH is the Special Referee Tonight 

According to, Triple H being booked as the special guest referee for tonight's SummerSlam main event has nothing to do with officials feeling Daniel Bryan does not have star power, but rather just the opposite. The feeling is John Cena vs Daniel Bryan is a high profile title match, and a great way to further the ongoing HHH/McMahon's story line. 

Rey Mysterio Grants 8 Wishes During SummerSlam Weekend 

WWE star Rey Mysterio reportedly granted 8 wishes during this weekend's Make-A-Wish events heading into SummerSlam tonight. Mysterio, along with Booker T, Hornswoggle and Alicia Fox joined the 8 Make-A-Wish kids and their families at Lucky Strike for a night of bowling. 


By SheaMcHugh
August 18th 2013 
WWE Insider

Breaking Exclusive: Ric Flair Pulled From 2K Legend's Panel,WWE Officials Said to be Furious

Breaking Exclusive:  

WZ learned earlier tonight that Ric Flair was pulled from last night's 2K Sports Legends panel, and it appears as though WWE sent Jerry Lawler to the event to replace Flair in talking to the media.
We can also exclusively confirm Stephanie McMahon LeVesque personally came to the event, and was whisked in by her own personal security staff to apologize to 2K Sports on behalf of WWE.
WZ has been told WWE is furious with Flair, and also at host Jim Ross for losing control of the situation. 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 18th 2013 
WWE Insider 

Possible SummerSlam Spoilers,HHH/Bryan/Cena,Ambrose/RVD

Possible SummerSlam Spoilers:  

According to The Wrestling Observer, and as always things can change many times between now and tomorrow night, there is backstage talk of WWE shooting an angle during the SummerSlam AXXESS match featuring Maria Menounos & Natalya vs Brie Bella and Eva Marie, which would lead to the Total Divas and Menounos appearing on the actual SummerSlam PPV.

As we previously reported, there has also been talk of doing an angle during the Dean Ambrose vs RVD Kickoff match that could lead to all or some members of The Shield taking on Big Show and Mark Henry later in the night.

As for John Cena vs Daniel Bryan, while it is possible that Randy Orton might cash in Money in the Bank tomorrow night, it's being said that if he doesn't, he will likely play a part in the finish of the WWE Title match.

It's also being said that an angle is expected to take place during the Cena/Bryan match that will give a major push to the current Triple H/McMahon's story line. 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 18th 2013 
WWE Insider

Dolph Ziggler On John Cena

WWE star Dolph Ziggler posted his SummerSlam predictions over at SLAM! Sports, and had the following to say regarding John Cena vs Daniel Bryan:  

"Cena, personally I'm sick of him. Ten years, doing the same thing, same five moves, the crowd loves him, the crowd hates him, either way, he does the same thing ... I'm sick of it. I understand the awesome charity work he does, I understand what he represents, he makes a great face for our company ... I'd rather see his face on a WWE dollar bill than Daniel Bryan's.

But I feel like we need a change, and as much as I feel like I'm that change, Daniel Bryan is in the position to actually beat John Cena." 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 18th 2013 
WWE Insider 

Saturday 17 August 2013

JR Talks Undertaker At Wm 30 & More

Jim Ross Talks The Undertaker 

Jim Ross was a recent guest on Inside the Ropes, and the following are interview highlights. You can check out the entire interview at this link:
On Cena vs Bryan at SummerSlam:
"I think Daniel Bryan will really push John Cena. No-one in WWE wrestles at the pace of Daniel Bryan. When you're in a main event likely closing the show on a major show, your senses are heightened. As professionals their job is to close that show and follow everything those people have seen in the last couple of hours. I think that John Cena is gonna show people that he has many more abilities in the ring than people, the Cena haters, think he does. Daniel Bryan's gonna bring everything he has in his toolbox as he should, and it'll be Cena's job to deal with that onslaught and keep up with the pace."
On the importance of NXT:
"So many new talents are beginning to find their way. That's been the plan all along. That's been the plan of our developmental program down at NXT, it's crucial to the success, long term, of WWE. Let me put it to you this way, NXT has to be a success for WWE to survive long term. There is no more important entity, or function or facet of WWE than talent development and that starts at the Performance Center in Orlando. It's crucial. Those kids that come out of that program, some fans are impatient and want them to be overnight successes which rarely happens. But if the fans are patient and the talent are diligent to get better, learn something new every day and they represent themselves as professionals then what's meant to be will happen. You know, The Wyatts, The Shield, Big E Langston, Damien Sandow. They're all works in progress, they're not where they're gonna be, they're not even close yet.
A lot of people say 'When are The Shield gonna split up? Who'll be the first Shield member to main event WrestleMania?' I get asked that all the time. How the hell should I know? I've been in the business 40 years and I don't know. There's too many variables I can't control. They can't predict when they're gonna get injured. But the encouraging part is we have a great young crew ready to evolve. These young talents are part of what makes SummerSlam so exciting and subsequent PPVs leading to WrestleMania XXX. It isn't an option that we hope the talents get better, the mandate is they must get better. That's where we are with that."
On The Undertaker at WM30:
"Oh man, The Undertaker will wrestle at WrestleMania 30 and who he wrestles will be a high quality, main event talent in a must see match because whoever it will be will be going up against the streak. That is going to happen."  

By SheaMcHugh 
August 17th 2013 
WWE Insider

Darren Young Third Most Searched On The Internet,Brock Lesnar Not On Raw On Monday Night?

Darren Young Third Most Searched On Thursday

Darren Young was the third most searched term on the internet Thursday, with his name having been searched over 200,000 times. 

Brock Lesnar Not Set To Appear On Raw On Monday Night? 

According to The Wrestling Observer, while plans can always change, Brock Lesnar has been pulled from advertising for Monday's post-SummerSlam Raw, and he likely will not be used on the show. 

By SheaMcHugh  
August 17th 2013 
WWE Insider 

Fandango's Plans For SummerSlam,Stone Cold Talks Possible WWE Return,Cm Punk Added To 10/13 Philly Event

Fandango's & Summer Rae's Plans For SummerSlam 

Sam Roberts caught up with Fandango and Summer Rae during the media hype for SummerSlam tomorrow, and Fandango reveals that he has "shenanigans" planned for SummerSlam tomorrow 


Cm Punk Added To 10/3 Philly Event  

CM Punk has been added to the 10/13 WWE live event in Philadelphia.  

Stone Cold Talks Possible WWE Return 

During WWE's Make-A-Wish red carpet event this weekend, Sam Roberts (Yea Him Again) caught up with Steve Austin who spoke on a possible return to wrestling, his current podcast and more. 


By SheaMcHugh 
August 17th 2013 
WWE Insider