Wednesday 30 October 2013

Edge Celebrating Milestone Birthday Today,WWE Teams With Cingular,Sheamus & Xavier Woods

Edge Celebrating Milestone Birthday: 
Former WWE Superstar Adam “Edge” Copeland turned 40 today. Edge addressed his milestone birthday, writing on Twitter: 

Edges Tweet: Thanks for all the b-day love guys. You never fail to amaze me with your loyalty. Cyber winks and hugs to you all.
Edges Tweet: Now off to continue slaying the day #40yearsstrong
Edges Tweet: Oh and cyber handshakes and hi fives too.

Cingular Teams With WWE: 
Cingular will announce an agreement on Thursday with WWE to “sell everything from ringtones with famous wrestlers’ voices to graphics and videos, including weekly matches and the annual spring tournament,” according to Fox News. 

Seamus And Xavier Woods: posted footage of Sheamus and Xavier Woods appearing yesterday at Folsom Elementary School. 

By SheaMcHugh 
30th October 2013 
WWE Insider 

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