Wednesday 30 October 2013

Daniel Bryan Pulled, John Morrison Responds To John Cena

Daniel Bryan Pulled: 
To sell the attack from The Wyatt Family on Monday’s RAW, WWE kept Daniel Bryan from making media appearances on Tuesday. As you can see below, he was scheduled for The Bubba the Love Sponge Show but WWE sent Cody Rhodes and Goldust instead: 

John Morrison Responds: 
As seen on Monday’s RAW, John Cena hyped his return to SmackDown and said he’s going as the “Friday Night Delight.” A fan on Twitter pointed this out to John Morrison, who used that nickname in WWE, and Morrison replied: 

John Morrisons Tweet: always knew he was a fan RT @umang305: well @JohnCena said that he is going to smackdown as ''Friday Night Delight'' any thoughts on that?

By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider 

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