Sunday 18 August 2013

JR Responds to Claims, Aj Lee Comments On Her Relationship With Ziggler

JR Responds to Claims 

A Fan Has Asked Jim Ross The Question That Most People Have Been Wondering This Morning,Was Jim Ross Drunk Last Night At The 2K Panal,The Question And Jim Ross's Response Is Below.

Fan: @JRsBBQ Some on-line sites are posting that you and Ric Flair were drunk. Went as far to say that @StephMcMahon had to come in an apologize

Jim Ross: “@dono6971: @JRsBBQ Some on-line sites are posting that you and Ric Flair were drunk. Complete lie. I was not drunk. Ridiculous. 

Jim Ross: When I'm tired my Bell's palsy has always made he slur @ times giving some who don't know me the wrong impression. Weakened facial muscles.  

Aj Lee Comments On Her Relationship With Ziggler 

During a recent inteview conducted for, AJ Lee had the following to say regarding her real life relationship with Dolph Ziggler:

The really funny thing is that somewhere along the way, Dolph and I and E became really good friends, which is so weird. Especially since a year ago, I think Dolph and I actually hated each other… just for no reason! We were just like, “We’re so opposite.” Like, “He’s such a douche bag,” and he thought I was the biggest nerd. We were just mean to each other. And then to work together so much, where we are traveling together and go to dinner together and we enjoy each other’s company, it’s so funny to me. Like how did that happen? So now it’s so bittersweet that it feels like everything’s ending, you know? It feels like we’re all going to leave SummerSlam and go our separate ways, and that is the saddest thing in the world to me. But it’s really cool that three of my best friends right now in the industry will all be together at Summer Slam. That’s really cool to me. 

By SheaMcHugh
August 18th 2013 
WWE Insider

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