Monday 19 August 2013

A Note on the Crowd's Reaction to the SummerSlam Ending

Note on Crowd Reaction to SummerSlam Ending 

According to Mike Epsenhart, who was in attendance for SummerSlam last night, the crowd was definitely deflated after Randy Orton cashed in and won the WWE Title. There was said to be a ton of buzz within the crowd just minutes before when Daniel Bryan defeated John Cena, but after the show was over there was little crowd chatter or buzz, as most people were left wondering what had just happened. 

However we have received word from another fan in attendance that was not really the case. We were told:

The crowd was electric when Daniel Bryan won, but lots of cheers with Orton coming out and cashing in. I think people appreciated his heel turn. Lots of "Cena Sucks" and "You can't wrestle" chants during the match.
I was surprised how many people cheered for Orton since they were just cheering Bryan. I don't think people I saw were deflated. 

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