Monday 19 August 2013

A Note on the Crowd's Reaction to the SummerSlam Ending

Note on Crowd Reaction to SummerSlam Ending 

According to Mike Epsenhart, who was in attendance for SummerSlam last night, the crowd was definitely deflated after Randy Orton cashed in and won the WWE Title. There was said to be a ton of buzz within the crowd just minutes before when Daniel Bryan defeated John Cena, but after the show was over there was little crowd chatter or buzz, as most people were left wondering what had just happened. 

However we have received word from another fan in attendance that was not really the case. We were told:

The crowd was electric when Daniel Bryan won, but lots of cheers with Orton coming out and cashing in. I think people appreciated his heel turn. Lots of "Cena Sucks" and "You can't wrestle" chants during the match.
I was surprised how many people cheered for Orton since they were just cheering Bryan. I don't think people I saw were deflated. 

Backstage Reaction To The End Of The John Cena vs Danial Bryan

According to, while the response to the ending of SummerSlam last night has been mostly positive, there was somewhat of a mixed bag type reaction backstage in WWE.

Some felt the angle was fantastic, and now Daniel Bryan is in a place where he can he can tell a great story chasing the title and getting his revenge, which will get him over even more.

Others felt WWE should have let Bryan have his WWE Title win moment, as the win against Cena at a PPV like SummerSlam was enough to get him over immediately, and he wouldn't need to try to get over chasing the title.

It's also being said that there were several people who thought it was pretty ridiculous that Bryan couldn't kick out of the Orton pin since so much time had elapsed between the pin and Triple H's pedigree. The feeling by some is that a retired wrestler's maneuver shouldn't more devastating than anything John Cena did to Bryan during the bout. 


By SheaMcHugh 
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Latest On John Cena Having Surgey & More

– Word going around at SummerSlam is that John Cena is still looking to have elbow surgery this coming week. We won’t know how long he could be out until after the surgery. Cena also suffered a left eye injury during the SummerSlam match with Daniel Bryan.

- The WWE NXT Tout account posted a video of Paul Heyman teasing that his next recruit may be a “Paul Heyman girl” instead of a male wrestler, leading fans to speculate that Heyman may be recruiting NXT Women’s Champion Paige
- Former WWE announcer Matt Striker will be hosting the “Best of WWE at Madison Square Garden” DVD and Blu-ray that comes out later this month. The segments were filmed before Striker was released back in June.

By SheaMcHugh 
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Alberto Del Rio & Drew McIntyre's Fight,Primo And Epico & More

- There are conflicting reports regarding the fight with Alberto Del Rio and Drew McIntyre at SummerSlam on Sunday, which is the reason Del Rio was sporting a black eye. Reports that Del Rio and Drew fought each other may be incorrect as the two may have gotten into a fight with other people outside of WWE. It was said they returned to their hotel yesterday afternoon looking beat up. Drew posted a photo of himself having dinner after SummerSlam and shows no signs of damage, as was reported.

- Wrestlers backstage at SummerSlam gave the CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar match a standing ovation.

- Primo and Epico are being re-packaged as a matador tag team. No word yet if Rosa Mendes will be with them.

-Reports of heat on Ric Flair for his behavior at the WWE 2K14 event on Saturday night has been confirmed. The feeling is that Flair “hi-jacked” the event. Word is that the video game people weren’t bothered at all but WWE officials were pretty upset.
Flair was close to signing a new public relations contract with WWE but Saturday night may have put that deal in jeopardy, at least for the time being. He was also scheduled to make a surprise SummerSlam appearance but that was nixed

August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Cm Punk Not Finished With Heyman,Cody Rhodes Teases & More

- WWE’s website caught up with several stars after SummerSlam Sunday night:

* CM Punk said he’s not in this to win, he’s in it to hurt Paul Heyman. Punk isn’t interested in wins or losses, he just wants to break Heyman’s face. Punk said it’s not over.

* Cody Rhodes said he is over Damien Sandow and has never felt this vindicated in his career. Cody had no comment on shaving his mustache but teased something happening real soon that we don’t want to miss. Sandow also spoke and still insisted he is the better man.

* Big Show felt the way Daniel Bryan lost the WWE Title was “garbage.” Show teased wanting to knock out Triple H.

* Christian was “heartbroken” following his loss to Alberto Del Rio. He noted that he has some things to think over.

* Natalya got emotional and said she cried after her match because she felt like she did it for her dad, her grandfather and her uncles, Bret and Owen Hart. 


By SheaMcHugh
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Confirmed For Tonight’s WWE Raw

Tonight’s WWE RAW takes place from the Honda Center in Anaheim, California with the fallout from SummerSlam. Triple H, Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon are advertised for tonight. Brock Lesnar is not advertised.

No matches have been announced but The Shield vs. John Cena and Mark Henry is advertised locally. WWE is focusing on the following points for tonight’s show:

* What does CM Punk have planned for Paul Heyman and his minions?

* How will Christian rally to make another run at the World Title?

* Who will Bray Wyatt target next?

* How will Daniel Bryan recover from being betrayed at SummerSlam, can he recover?

* What’s next for Randy Orton and how does Triple H fit into the plans?


By SheaMcHugh
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Alberto Del Rio Involved In Backstage Fight Before SummerSlam?

Alberto Del Rio Involved in Backstage Fight Before SummerSlam?  

According to the Wrestling Observer, the reason World Heavyweight Champion Alberto del Rio looked so banged up in his match against Christian Sunday night, is that he may have been involved in a physical altercation with fellow WWE Superstar Drew McIntyre. 

While details are scarce, rumor has it that the two got into it backstage this weekend before SummerSlam, and the fight may have involved a few others. Del Rio had a noticeably bruised face and black eye during his championship match against Christian, which he won. 


By SheaMcHugh
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

WWE Summerslam Results (8/18)

WWE Summerslam Results (8/18) 

SummerSlam Kick-Off Show 
United States Championship 
Rob Van Dam Vs Dean Ambrose(C) 

Winner (by disqualification) - Rob Van Dam (Dean Ambrose Retains)  

Ring of Fire Match
Kane vs Bray Wyatt (w/ The Wyatt Family)

Winner - Bray Wyatt 

Damien Sandow vs Cody Rhodes
Winner - Cody Rhodes
World Heavyweight Championship
Christian vs Alberto Del Rio (c)
Winner - Alberto Del Rio
Natalya (w/ The Funkadactyls) vs Brie Bella (w/ Nikki Bella & Eva Marie)
Winner - Natalya 

No Holds Barred
CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman)
Winner - Brock Lesnar
Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs Big E Langston & AJ Lee
Winners - Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn
WWE Championship (w/ Triple H as Special Guest Referee)
Daniel Bryan vs John Cena (c)
Winner and NEW WWE Champion - Daniel Bryan

Randy Orton Cashes In After Triple H Pedigrees Danial Bryan And Triple H And Orton Celebrate At The End.

New WWE Champion Randy Orton

By SheaMcHugh
August 19th 2013
WWE Insider

Steve Austin on WWE Studios,

 Steve Austin On WWE Studios

WWE Hall of Famer "Stone Cold" Steve Austin told Variety that he was very frustrated with the WWE's decision to not bring Tough Enough back for a second season.

"It was a great show. The numbers were very good. We had a great time doing it. Why they didn’t bring it back still baffles me to this day because I loved doing that show. It was a great way to be in the business I know and love without having to be in the ring taking lumps."

The Texas Rattlesnake covered a few more topics in his Variety interview, including how WWE can be making money off their ventures in the film industry, the Steve Austin Show podcast series and more. 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 19th 2013 
WWE Insider

Sunday 18 August 2013

JR Responds to Claims, Aj Lee Comments On Her Relationship With Ziggler

JR Responds to Claims 

A Fan Has Asked Jim Ross The Question That Most People Have Been Wondering This Morning,Was Jim Ross Drunk Last Night At The 2K Panal,The Question And Jim Ross's Response Is Below.

Fan: @JRsBBQ Some on-line sites are posting that you and Ric Flair were drunk. Went as far to say that @StephMcMahon had to come in an apologize

Jim Ross: “@dono6971: @JRsBBQ Some on-line sites are posting that you and Ric Flair were drunk. Complete lie. I was not drunk. Ridiculous. 

Jim Ross: When I'm tired my Bell's palsy has always made he slur @ times giving some who don't know me the wrong impression. Weakened facial muscles.  

Aj Lee Comments On Her Relationship With Ziggler 

During a recent inteview conducted for, AJ Lee had the following to say regarding her real life relationship with Dolph Ziggler:

The really funny thing is that somewhere along the way, Dolph and I and E became really good friends, which is so weird. Especially since a year ago, I think Dolph and I actually hated each other… just for no reason! We were just like, “We’re so opposite.” Like, “He’s such a douche bag,” and he thought I was the biggest nerd. We were just mean to each other. And then to work together so much, where we are traveling together and go to dinner together and we enjoy each other’s company, it’s so funny to me. Like how did that happen? So now it’s so bittersweet that it feels like everything’s ending, you know? It feels like we’re all going to leave SummerSlam and go our separate ways, and that is the saddest thing in the world to me. But it’s really cool that three of my best friends right now in the industry will all be together at Summer Slam. That’s really cool to me. 

By SheaMcHugh
August 18th 2013 
WWE Insider

Why HHH is Booked as the Special Referee Tonight, Rey Mysterio Grants 8 Wishes During SummerSlam Weekend

Why HHH is the Special Referee Tonight 

According to, Triple H being booked as the special guest referee for tonight's SummerSlam main event has nothing to do with officials feeling Daniel Bryan does not have star power, but rather just the opposite. The feeling is John Cena vs Daniel Bryan is a high profile title match, and a great way to further the ongoing HHH/McMahon's story line. 

Rey Mysterio Grants 8 Wishes During SummerSlam Weekend 

WWE star Rey Mysterio reportedly granted 8 wishes during this weekend's Make-A-Wish events heading into SummerSlam tonight. Mysterio, along with Booker T, Hornswoggle and Alicia Fox joined the 8 Make-A-Wish kids and their families at Lucky Strike for a night of bowling. 


By SheaMcHugh
August 18th 2013 
WWE Insider

Breaking Exclusive: Ric Flair Pulled From 2K Legend's Panel,WWE Officials Said to be Furious

Breaking Exclusive:  

WZ learned earlier tonight that Ric Flair was pulled from last night's 2K Sports Legends panel, and it appears as though WWE sent Jerry Lawler to the event to replace Flair in talking to the media.
We can also exclusively confirm Stephanie McMahon LeVesque personally came to the event, and was whisked in by her own personal security staff to apologize to 2K Sports on behalf of WWE.
WZ has been told WWE is furious with Flair, and also at host Jim Ross for losing control of the situation. 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 18th 2013 
WWE Insider 

Possible SummerSlam Spoilers,HHH/Bryan/Cena,Ambrose/RVD

Possible SummerSlam Spoilers:  

According to The Wrestling Observer, and as always things can change many times between now and tomorrow night, there is backstage talk of WWE shooting an angle during the SummerSlam AXXESS match featuring Maria Menounos & Natalya vs Brie Bella and Eva Marie, which would lead to the Total Divas and Menounos appearing on the actual SummerSlam PPV.

As we previously reported, there has also been talk of doing an angle during the Dean Ambrose vs RVD Kickoff match that could lead to all or some members of The Shield taking on Big Show and Mark Henry later in the night.

As for John Cena vs Daniel Bryan, while it is possible that Randy Orton might cash in Money in the Bank tomorrow night, it's being said that if he doesn't, he will likely play a part in the finish of the WWE Title match.

It's also being said that an angle is expected to take place during the Cena/Bryan match that will give a major push to the current Triple H/McMahon's story line. 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 18th 2013 
WWE Insider

Dolph Ziggler On John Cena

WWE star Dolph Ziggler posted his SummerSlam predictions over at SLAM! Sports, and had the following to say regarding John Cena vs Daniel Bryan:  

"Cena, personally I'm sick of him. Ten years, doing the same thing, same five moves, the crowd loves him, the crowd hates him, either way, he does the same thing ... I'm sick of it. I understand the awesome charity work he does, I understand what he represents, he makes a great face for our company ... I'd rather see his face on a WWE dollar bill than Daniel Bryan's.

But I feel like we need a change, and as much as I feel like I'm that change, Daniel Bryan is in the position to actually beat John Cena." 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 18th 2013 
WWE Insider 

Saturday 17 August 2013

JR Talks Undertaker At Wm 30 & More

Jim Ross Talks The Undertaker 

Jim Ross was a recent guest on Inside the Ropes, and the following are interview highlights. You can check out the entire interview at this link:
On Cena vs Bryan at SummerSlam:
"I think Daniel Bryan will really push John Cena. No-one in WWE wrestles at the pace of Daniel Bryan. When you're in a main event likely closing the show on a major show, your senses are heightened. As professionals their job is to close that show and follow everything those people have seen in the last couple of hours. I think that John Cena is gonna show people that he has many more abilities in the ring than people, the Cena haters, think he does. Daniel Bryan's gonna bring everything he has in his toolbox as he should, and it'll be Cena's job to deal with that onslaught and keep up with the pace."
On the importance of NXT:
"So many new talents are beginning to find their way. That's been the plan all along. That's been the plan of our developmental program down at NXT, it's crucial to the success, long term, of WWE. Let me put it to you this way, NXT has to be a success for WWE to survive long term. There is no more important entity, or function or facet of WWE than talent development and that starts at the Performance Center in Orlando. It's crucial. Those kids that come out of that program, some fans are impatient and want them to be overnight successes which rarely happens. But if the fans are patient and the talent are diligent to get better, learn something new every day and they represent themselves as professionals then what's meant to be will happen. You know, The Wyatts, The Shield, Big E Langston, Damien Sandow. They're all works in progress, they're not where they're gonna be, they're not even close yet.
A lot of people say 'When are The Shield gonna split up? Who'll be the first Shield member to main event WrestleMania?' I get asked that all the time. How the hell should I know? I've been in the business 40 years and I don't know. There's too many variables I can't control. They can't predict when they're gonna get injured. But the encouraging part is we have a great young crew ready to evolve. These young talents are part of what makes SummerSlam so exciting and subsequent PPVs leading to WrestleMania XXX. It isn't an option that we hope the talents get better, the mandate is they must get better. That's where we are with that."
On The Undertaker at WM30:
"Oh man, The Undertaker will wrestle at WrestleMania 30 and who he wrestles will be a high quality, main event talent in a must see match because whoever it will be will be going up against the streak. That is going to happen."  

By SheaMcHugh 
August 17th 2013 
WWE Insider

Darren Young Third Most Searched On The Internet,Brock Lesnar Not On Raw On Monday Night?

Darren Young Third Most Searched On Thursday

Darren Young was the third most searched term on the internet Thursday, with his name having been searched over 200,000 times. 

Brock Lesnar Not Set To Appear On Raw On Monday Night? 

According to The Wrestling Observer, while plans can always change, Brock Lesnar has been pulled from advertising for Monday's post-SummerSlam Raw, and he likely will not be used on the show. 

By SheaMcHugh  
August 17th 2013 
WWE Insider 

Fandango's Plans For SummerSlam,Stone Cold Talks Possible WWE Return,Cm Punk Added To 10/13 Philly Event

Fandango's & Summer Rae's Plans For SummerSlam 

Sam Roberts caught up with Fandango and Summer Rae during the media hype for SummerSlam tomorrow, and Fandango reveals that he has "shenanigans" planned for SummerSlam tomorrow 


Cm Punk Added To 10/3 Philly Event  

CM Punk has been added to the 10/13 WWE live event in Philadelphia.  

Stone Cold Talks Possible WWE Return 

During WWE's Make-A-Wish red carpet event this weekend, Sam Roberts (Yea Him Again) caught up with Steve Austin who spoke on a possible return to wrestling, his current podcast and more. 


By SheaMcHugh 
August 17th 2013 
WWE Insider

Cm Punk Has Harsh Words For A Certain MLB Player

Cm Punk Has Harsh Words For A Certain MLB Player 

WWE Superstar CM Punk spoke to Yahoo Sports, and had some harsh words for Milwaukee Brewers player Ryan Braun, who was suspended for the 2012/13 season in June, in violation of the MLB's drug policy. 

"Look at [Ryan] Braun. That dude just denied, denied, denied and then he gets caught and goes, 'oh yeah, I'm sorry, I made a mistake.' I don't believe you. You're a liar. You've already proved it publicly in an open public forum. You're a liar. Just shut the [expletive] up and go wash dishes for a living."

"There seems to be this weird moral debate about what exactly is cheating. If you're on a list from some fancy bourgeoisie pharmacy, you're doing drugs. Regardless of what your personal stance is on that in the guidelines of Major League Baseball, there are banned substances. I don't care if you like the rule. If you're a baseball player, follow the rule. If you don't like it, don't be a baseball player."  

By SheaMcHugh 
August 17th 2013 
WWE Insider

WWE 2K14 Wrestlemania Mode Roster Revealed

WWE 2K14 Wrestlemania Mode

Jim Ross, Jerry "The King" Lawler and WWE Superstar Damien Sandow were on hand this morning for WWE and 2K Sports big roster reveal for the upcoming WWE 2K14 video game, and their "30 Years of WrestleMania" single-player campaign mode. 

This is not the final WWE 2K14 roster, but the following list of Superstars and Legends will be playable in the 45+ matches in "30 Years of WrestleMania" mode: 

Alberto Del Rio
Andre the Giant
Big Show
Big Show (Retro)
Bret Hart
Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar (Retro)
Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho (Retro)
CM Punk
Hulk Hogan
'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan
John Cena
John Cena (Retro)
Kane (Retro)
King Kong Bundy
Mick Foley
Randy Orton
'Macho Man' Randy Savage
Razor Ramon
Ric Flair
Ric Flair (Retro)
Ricky Steamboat
Sergeant Slaughter
Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels (Retro)
'Stone Cold' Steve Austin
Ted DiBiase
The Miz
The Rock
The Rock (Retro)
Triple H
Triple H (Retro)
Ultimate Warrior
Undertaker (Retro)

By SheaMcHugh
August 17th 2013
WWE Insider 

John Cena Misses Live Event,Flair & NXT Join SummerSlam,SummerSlam 2012 In 60 Seconds

John Cena Misses WWE Live Event
WWE Champion John Cena missed last night's WWE Live event in Portland, OR. This is the second show Cena has been pulled from, and WWE was offering refunds through the second match of the night. Most likely, he has been working a lighter schedule due to his injured elbow, as they will be saving the WWE Champion for his main event match against Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam.  

Flair & NXT Join SummerSlam 
WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair will be joining the crew for an autograph signing at SummerSlam Axxess today at 11am. Many Superstars on the NXT roster arrived in Los Angeles on Friday as well, and will be working various Axxess events throughout the weekend.  

SummerSlam 2012 In 60 Seconds 
The most recent and last of the series,its of course SummerSlam 2012 In 60 Seconds Enjoy.. 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 17th 2013 
WWE Insider 

Dolph Ziggler's Brother, Ryan Nemeth, Talks About His WWE Release, Pro & Cons Of Leaving WWE & More

Ryan Nemeth Talks About His WWE Release

Former WWE NXT Superstar “Briley Pierce” and Dolph Ziggler’s brother, Ryan Nemeth, is now blogging at Nemeth posted his debut column talking about his WWE release and providing an update on what he has been up to. Here is an excerpt from his first entry:
Am I happy I was released? No. Of course not. Are you kidding? Nobody’s happy about getting fired. That’s insane. That’s not a thing. It’s just not. It’s completely 100% impossible to be happy about that. You’re “happy” you got fired? Really? Okay, let me ask you this: if you’re so happy you got fired then why didn’t you quit? Huh? Tell me. Seriously, can you explain that? Oh, you can’t? Because you’re lying? Yup, okay, got it.
I conclude: people who get fired and declare “I’m happy I got fired” aren’t telling the truth. They’re lying.
Case closed.
End of story.
The end.
Got it? Okay. I’m going to move on.

Am I, however, happy right now? Yes. Big time. I am incredibly happy. Since leaving WWE Developmental (FCW, NXT, WWEPC, HHH-XT, and whatever else it’s currently hash-tagged as in the scale-tippingly manic, dangerously positive and impossibly grateful tweets of the current Developmental roster members) I have done a lot. Like, really, a lot. I’ll explain...  

By SheaMcHugh
August 17th 2013 
WWE Insider

Friday 16 August 2013

WWE Fans Create SummerSlam Arena In Minecraft.

WWE Fans Create SummerSlam Arena's In Minecraft

WWE has featured a few gamers' creations of the upcoming SummerSlam pay-per-view arena in the popular brick-building video game, Minecraft. If you've never played Minecraft before, or understand what goes into the creative process of the game, trust me - some of these designs are incredible.

There are several more SummerSlam fan creations on the official WWE YouTube channel right now. 

By SheaMcHugh
August 16th 2013 
WWE Insider 

Y2J And Sheamus To Appear At Comic Con Event,Tickets Delayed For Hell In The Cell,JBL & Cole Show.

Sheamus And Y2J To Appear At Comic Con Event
Currently injured WWE Superstar Sheamus will appear at Wizard World's Comic Con event in Columbus,Ohio at the Convention Center from September 20th to September 22nd 

Currently on hiatus WWE star Chris Jericho will be appearing at the Montreal Comic Con event at Palais de Congres on September 14th. Y2J's band Fozzy will perform at the Corona Theater in Montreal on the same night.  

Tickets For Hell In The Cell Sale Date Delayed 
According to The Miami Herald, the ticket on-sale date has been pushed back a week for WWE's Hell in a Cell PPV. Originally, tickets were to go on-sale on August 17th, however that has been delayed until August 24th. The PPV takes place on October 27th at The American Airlines Arena in Miami, FL. 

JBL & Cole Show 
The following is the latest edition of "The JBL & Cole Show"  

By SheaMcHugh 
August 16th 2013 
WWE Insider 

SummerSlam 2011 In 60 Seconds,WWE Seeking Male Talent For Raw On Monday Night.

WWE Seeking Talent For Raw On Monday Night,19/08/13  
WWE is looking for non-union, athletic looking guys, age range 18-25, for some type of angle that will be filmed for the post-Summerslam edition of Raw this Monday night.
The pay for the day will be $500, plus a 10% agent fee, and parking will be paid for. Talent will be needed from noon until 8pm,so if you are living in the Toronto area you are in luck. 

SummerSlam 2011 In 60 Seconds 
The countdown to SummerSlam is now just 2 days which is getting really exciting,so that means WWE posted the SummerSlam 2011 60 second video,Enjoy. 

By SheaMcHugh
August 16th 2013
WWE Insider

Former WWE Writer Recalls Vince Not Liking Christian's Face, A Backstage Altercation Between Angle and Michaels & More

During a recent interview with former WWE writer Alex Greenfield, conducted by John Pollock, the two discussed a number of topics including the build to Summerslam this year and more,The interview highlights are below. 

On Vince McMahon wanting to censor Christian's face on television:
"Right before I started, there was a big show, I think it might have been in Toronto. Christian was just so completely over, and everybody thought he was going to get a push at, I think it was the World Heavyweight Championship at that point. We were on the plane one time shortly after I started, and Vince was just like “God damn, I just don’t like his face. His face really bothers me." I was like, “He’s ugly, Vince?” “No, it’s not that he’s ugly, it’s just, I don’t know, it’s ratty! You know what we should do? That Kennedy gimmick.” And we’re all like, “What?” Some see-on of the Kennedy fortune I guess got arrested for rape in the 1990s at some point. When the woman who was accusing him was on the stand, all of the networks put a blue dot over her face. Vince was like, “God damn, you know what we should do? We should put a blue dot over his face whenever he comes out.” It was the flight to Sheffield, England, also the flight where the Spirit Squad idea was invented. This was a whole flight of bad ideas."
A backstage argument Angle and Michaels had back in 2005:
"I always found Shawn to be an entitled prick. He tried this s*** with Angle one night; Angle wasn't having it, and threw him around like a rag-doll. I remember I was supposed to do some sort of stand-up interview, a backstage deal with Angle afterward, and Shawn comes up like a house of fire, like “You were taking liberties!” And it’s because Shawn was booked to lose a match and started his overselling nonsense, because that’s the kind of thing he always did because he’s a guy who hated losing. I don’t argue with anyone that, when he’s working with friends in exactly the way he wants, yes, he’s one of the best performers of all time. That doesn't mean you’re one of the best performers of all time, though, if you can’t do it with people who aren't your friends."

By SheaMcHugh
August 16th 2013
WWE Insider 

SummerSlam Edition Of "WWE Inbox",

Summerslam Edition Of WWE Inbox
Below is the latest edition of WWE Inbox,With it being a special Summerslam Edition. 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 16th 2013 
WWE Insider

Swagger/Colter Heading To Nxt,Former WWE Ref To Wrestle,Promo For Summerslams Kick-Off Show.

Swagger/Colter Heading To Nxt
Jack Swagger And Zeb Colter Have Been Added To The August 22nd WWE NXT Taping At Full Sail University.Mark Henry Will Also Appear At The Taping

Former WWE Ref To Wrestle 
Former WWE Referee Jimmy Korderas will be making his pro wrestling in-ring debut on Saturday night at the E-Zone in Toronto for the Smash Wrestling promotion.

Promo For The Kick-Off Show At Summerslam 
WWE have released this video promoting the Kick-Off Show at Summerslam this Sunday,We will be covering the Biggest event of the summer with live results of every match on Sunday.

By SheaMcHugh
August 16th 2013
WWE Insider

Dolph Ziggler On Funniest Wrestler of All Time, Adding Comedy To His Character, WWE SummerSlam

Dolph Ziggler spoke to Sports Illustrated this week to also hype Summerslam like many other superstars have done this week,the highlights of the interview are below,Enjoy:

On the funniest wrestler of all time: 
"Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan was better than anyone else at making me laugh. He was sooo good. So damn good at this. He was 'The Brain' because he was so smart as a manager, as a commentator as a performer. He could do it all. He knew what to do, not just tell a couple of jokes. He was smart, and that is such a turn on to me as someone you look up to. His job was almost always to make other people look better than they were and he did it better than anyone else."
On putting comedy into his wrestling life: 
"It’s the WWE, it’s Vince McMahon‘s show. He lays out what he wants from you. It’s not always going to be what I want. I want to be out there being myself. You want to entrain first and foremost. The more I get a chance to be on the microphone, the more I get to put in comedy into it. If everybody’s doing the same thing it’s boring. I appreciate that some people are told what to do. Some people like me, though, go out there and I’m writing and thinking and worrying about if i’m in this situation, how can i put my spin on it."
On his SummerSlam this Sunday: 
My thoughts going in are that I love this week that we have in L.A. I’m gonna try to do some standup. There’s a buzz about being in L.A. I love it. Staples Center is gonna be sold out. Crowd is gonna be hot. We look forward to it. I’m looking forward to seeing C.M. Punk vs. Brock Lesnar. I would like to see Daniel Bryan beat John Cena, because no one seems to beat him. 
By SheaMcHugh
August 16th 2013
WWE Insider

Triple H & Steve Austin Together at WWE Event, Zack Ryder Changes Hair Again, Paul Heyman Soundboard

Paul Heyman Soundboard has posted a new soundboard feature called "Paul Heyman at the Movies" where you can click to hear Heyman's best attempt at famous Movie quotes.

Triple H & Austin Together 
Jim Ross posted the following picture along with a tweet from last night's "WWE Superstars for Hope" event,where many superstars and even some celebrities were in attendance.

Zack Ryder Changes Hairstyle Again 
Zack posted the following picture on Instagram where he's sporting a new look,tweeting with it "i wasn't feeling the long hair...#selfie"

By SheaMcHugh
August 16th 2013
WWE Insider

Darren Young Reveals He Was Terrified About Coming Out

Darren Young sat down today with Matt Lauer of the Today Show to discuss coming out this week and revealing he was gay.

Darren said he has received incredible support from fellow wrestlers and that he is now happy that he has done it.

By SheaMcHugh
August 16th 2013
WWE Insider

Trish Stratus Baby Update And Sneak Peek At WWE Divas

Trish Stratus Baby Update: 
Former WWE Divas Trish Stratus revealed on her official website that her baby,due next month,will be a boy.She said they are naming it Maximus and will call him Max For Short.

Natalya And Tyson Kidd Tv Drama: 
WWE Posted the following teaser video for this Sunday's edition of Total Diva's On E!,featuring some relationship drama between Natalya and Tyson Kidd: 

By SheaMcHugh
August 16th 2013
WWE Insider

Roman Reigns Reveals When The Shield Were Meant To Debut And More

In An Interview With Justin LaBar Of Wrestlezone,Roman Reigns Reveals When The Shield Were Meant To Debut,Why The Samoans Are So Succesfull At Wrestling,The Rock And More.

By SheaMcHugh
August 16th 2013
WWE Insider

Wyatt Family Being Pushed At The Expense Of The Shield

According to one source,which hasn't been fully confirmed as of yet there is a rumor going around that WWE superstar and executive Triple H is a big supporter of the Wyatt Family backstage and has been responsible for there latest push.

Take this for what its worth but there are rumors going around they will be in for a bigger push after Bray Wyatts match with Kane at summerslam in the expense of the shield which is truly disappointing to say the least,with the shield only involved in one match at summerslam,Dean Ambrose against Rvd for the IC title it could be all true,It will be interesting to see in the coming months. 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 16th 2013 
WWE Insider

Brock Lesnar Comments On His Time Left With The WWE

Brock Lesnar Give A Rare Interview To The La Times This Week Leading Up To His Big Match With Cm  Punk At SummerSlam On Sunday.

Lesnar expressed enthusiasm about his upcoming match: "I'm excited to squash CM Punk like a little bug and move on to my next victim."
Speaking of the former WWE Champion's next victim, there has been rumor that a match at WrestleMania XXX next year would be his last with the company, and he signed another temporary contract for three matches, according to the Wrestling Observer. However, Lesnar stated that he will be sticking around for awhile yet. He has "at least a couple more WrestleManias" left in the tank before moving on from his second stint in pro wrestling.   

By SheaMcHugh 
August 16th 2013 
WWE Insider

Paul Heyman Comments On John Cena,Bray Wyatt And More

Paul Heyman Recently Did An Interview With XFinity And The Following Are The Biggest Highlights:

On Daniel Bryan:
"I'm not done recruiting Daniel Bryan. I think Daniel Bryan is a fascinating performer who has put on arguably the most consistent string of best matches of the past year. The striking thing about Daniel Bryan is the best is yet to come with him. Daniel Bryan still has more to offer. And having seen footage of him dating back to when he was wrestling in VFW halls and very small arenas and high school gymnasiums, he still has so much more that the WWE Universe hasn't seen. I'm admittedly, and I will confess to this, a huge fan of Daniel Bryan."
His thoughts on John Cena:
"I think there's a streak going involving John Cena that both the WWE Universe and the media have failed to pick up on. The glory days of 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin lasted two, maybe two-and-a-half years. That was the peak of his run. He came back as General Manager, but day-to-day, going to every city, main eventing every Pay Per View, the focal point of Monday Night Raw… Steve Austin's peak was two-and-a-half years. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's peak was along the same lines. John Cena has been the focal point of WWE since 2005. For eight and now going on nine years, John Cena has not only main evented all the Pay Per Views, been the major attraction on Raw. John Cena has gone to every city, main events all the live events, and yet he still makes all these media appearances, he's done more Make-A-Wish Foundation visits than anybody in history…and he's a tireless workhorse. And he shows up last Monday with his elbow…looking grotesquely…is that a word? His elbow was so messed up and yet he says, 'Wrap me up, I'm going out there to perform because the people are counting on me.' There is a work ethic to John Cena that is to behold."
His thoughts on Bray Wyatt:
"It's an emotional presentation, and it sets him apart from everyone else which means that Bray Wyatt will stand out. Whether it's in WWE or UFC or Major League Baseball or the NBA or the NFL or television or movies…any genre that is star-driven has the need for unique personalities. And Bray Wyatt is as unique as they come."
How TNA handled Rob Van Dam:
"I don't mind getting into detail. I think TNA squandered the opportunity of exploiting the talents of Rob Van Dam. And I don't think that's a mistake the WWE is going to repeat."  

By SheaMcHugh
August 16th 2013
WWE Insider

Top Indy Talent Preparing For WWE Tryout

For All You Indy Wrestlers Out There Keep Fighting Hard For Your Spot At WWE,They Are Paying Attention As According To WrestlingObserver Top Indy Talent Like Davey Richards,Eddie Edwards And Midwest Wrestler Prince Mustafa Ali Will Be Taking Part In A WWE Tryout Camp At The End Of The Month. 

WWE Summerslam 2009 In 60 Seconds: 

WWE Youtube Has Published This Video In A Countdown To Summerslam: 

By SheaMcHugh 
August 16th 2013 
WWE Insider 

Top Wrestling Personalties React To Darren Young Coming Out

These Top WWE Personalties Tweeted Out Yesterday About Darren Young Saying That He Is Gay And So Far Credit To All The WWE Superstars For Supporting Him.
These Are Just Some Of The Tweets:

Triple H: "Congratulations, @DarrenYoungWWE for living YOUR life, YOUR way. #proud"

Stephanie McMahon: "Congratulations to @DarrenYoungWWE for being the first openly gay WWE Superstar!"

Jim Ross: "@StephMcMahon: Congratulations to @DarrenYoungWWE for being the first openly gay WWE Superstar! I second that. #NonIssue"

Chavo Guerrero Jr.: "Huge support for @DarrenYoungWWE !! Great guy & great wrestler! Kudos for @JohnCena supporting comments too"

Rosa Mendes: "@DarrenYoungWWE I'm so proud of you!! See you this week!!"

Gregory Helms: "Good job @DarrenYoungWWE Respect!! Somewhere my friend Kanyon is smiling down."

Joey Ryan: "Let us hope we can all spend at least one day of our lives as courageous as @DarrenYoungWWE is today."

Kenny King: "@JoeyRyanOnline @darrenyoungwwe Amen joe. Big props to Darren"

Matt Morgan: ENORMOUS courage out of @DarrenYoungWWE today! U should be very proud of urself Darren! #WhatAGreatExampleForOthers"

Steve Corino: "Just reading about @DarrenYoungWWE this morning. Very good for him & proud of him for taking a courageous step."    

By SheaMcHugh 
August 16th 2013 
WWE Insider

WWE Issues Official Statement Regarding Darren Young

WWE Has Issued This Official Statement Regarding Darren Young:

       "WWE is proud of Darren Young for being open about his sexuality, and we will continue to support him as a WWE Superstar.  Today, in fact, Darren will be participating in one of our Be A Star anti-bullying rallies in Los Angeles to teach children how to create positive environments for everyone regardless of age, race, religion or sexual orientation."  

By SheaMcHugh 
August 16th 2013 
WWE Insider

Updated Plans For HHH/Vince Storyline

While There's No Further Update On The HHH/Vince Story WrestlingObserver Are Reporting That Its Still In The Plans In The Near Future,The Long Term Plan Is For Vince McMahon To Turn Face And Bring In A Superstar To Take Out Triple H At Wrestlemania 30.

By SheaMcHugh
August 16th 2013
WWE Insider

John Cena Stands Up For Darren Young And Congratulates Him On Being The First Open Gay Wrestler

WWE Champion John Cena was also interviewed by TMZ on Darren Young Confessing He Is Gay And Said He Fully Supports Him In Every Way Because He Knows How Hard It Is To Come Out Due To His Brother Also Being Gay And How Difficult It Was For Him To Confess It And That His Family Openly Accept Him. 

By Shea McHugh 
August 16th 2013 

Darren Young Comes Out

WWE Superstar Darren Young has came out in an interview with TMZ last weekend,Young said he was happy and comfortable with the way he is and that it will not harm his wrestling career,which is a big credit to him and shows you how the world is slowly revolving,We'd like to congratulate Darren on his recent announcement and that we as WWE fans fully support him and his career in the company.

Here is the video of Darren Young Coming out to Tmz.

By SheaMcHugh
16 August 2013
WWE Insider