Thursday 31 October 2013

Backstage Reaction To Randy Orton Celebration On WWE Raw,Latest On This Week’s Tryouts

Randy Orton's Celebration On Raw: 
As you can imagine, most of the WWE talents hate segments like the ones on RAW where they all have to stand on the stage and get lectured by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Nobody can or does say anything about it. The feeling is everyone on the stage that has to stand there and do nothing while insulted, particularly if you’re a babyface, comes across like a prelim-level guy. 

As reported earlier this week, students from the Team 3D Wrestling Academy and the Team Vision Dojo received tryouts before Monday’s RAW in Orlando. The best four talents were told they would be getting a live dark match tryout before Tuesday night’s tapings in Tampa but that never happened.
By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 WWE Insider

New WWE Signing,Update On Mexican Talents To WWE,What Happened To WWE’s Deal With Yahoo

New WWE Signing: 
A new name in WWE developmental is Cole Andrews, real name Stephen Good. He’s measured at the NFL combine at 6 foot 4 3/4 inches and 300 pounds. He’s since trimmed down to 275 pounds. Andrews started as an offensive guard for the University of Oklahoma last season but wasn’t drafted in the NFL draft, despite being a prospect. He’s very strong, having done a competition 475 pound bench press at the age of 17. Jim Ross was instrumental in getting Andrews a WWE tryout. 

Mexican Wrestling Talents: 
When WWE was recently in Mexico, they did not do any tryouts with talents like they usually do when they’re in Mexico or the UK. WWE is still very interested in Mexican talent but the approach will be different. WWE is not interested in Volador Jr. and Rey Mysterio, through his influence, is likely to get a tryout for Bestia 666, the son of Damian 666.
WWE's Deal With Yahoo: 
Regarding WWE’s content deal with Yahoo that was announced this past April, the one that everyone figured would be the end of WWE’s partnership with YouTube, the official word from both WWE and Yahoo is that the deal was delayed due to a variety of factors but they’re still exploring opportunities together. 

By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 
WWE Insider 

WWE Network Announcement Coming Soon?,Latest Update On Sheamus & Mark Henry,More

WWE Network: 
The rumored February 24th start date for the WWE Network may or may not be accurate but there is definitely a plan for a launch that will be announced soon, so the current idea would be to launch around that time. A new TV commercial to promote the launch of the Network was recently filmed. 

Mark Henry And Sheamus: 
WWE officials are still looking for Sheamus to return in early 2014. There is still no definitive time frame for when Mark Henry will return.

There will be a book done in comic form about the life of Andre the Giant released in early 2014 by First Second Books. The title will be “Andre the Giant: Life and Legend.” 

By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Nikki Bella Talks About Returning To Action On Monday’s WWE Raw Episode

Nikki Bella spoke with about returning to action this past Monday on Raw.

“You know, I was nervous, but I have to say knowing Brie was going to be by my side I felt a lot better,” Nikki said. “Brie has just been killing it in the ring; it made me feel really comfortable knowing that she’s been going two hours before every show and training really hard with her fiancĂ©, Daniel Bryan. This past week, when I was given a green light to do just a tiny bit of stuff, I was going in early with them just to move around the ring and get the feel for it. She definitely helped calm my nerves because I knew if I got in trouble she was going to be right there to save the day.” 

By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 
WWE Insider 

WWE Main Event Results – October 30th, 2013.

WWE Main Event Results – October 30th, 2013
We are welcomed by Josh Matthews to Main Event. He is joined by The Miz. Kofi Kingston is on his way to the ring.

Kofi Kingston vs Ryback
Kofi starts off with some heavy offense, using kicks to the chest to try and take down Ryback. Kofi hit’s a back kick to the chest, but Ryback takes him down. Ryback begins to choke Kofi with the middle rope, breaking the choke hold at 4. Kofi tries to fight back but takes a shoulder block by Ryback. Ryback goes for a splash but Kofi moves out of the way. Ryback however takes down Kofi once again, locking him in a headlock.
Kofi fights out but Ryback hit’s a couple of clubbing blows to the back. Ryback goes for a clothesline but Kofi lands an arm drag. Kofi tries for Trouble in Paradise but Ryback rolls to the outside. Kofi hit’s a cross body on Ryback to the outside. Ryback gains control again, trying to throw Kofi into the steel steps. Kofi jumps over and lands a double axe handle. Ryback rolls in the ring and as Kofi gets in the ring, Ryback hit’s a boot on Kofi, landing on the outside. We head to commercial break as Kofi is out cold.We return with Kofi trying to gain some offense, but Ryback halting it with a shoulder block. Ryback goes for a pin for a 2 count. Ryback hit’s a jackhammer, and goes for the cover. Ryback only gets a 2 count, and seems to be frustrated. Ryback hit’s a couple of chops to the chest on Kofi, followed by some blows to the back. Kofi ducks a third chop by Ryback, and begins to hit some chops of his own. Ryback grabs Kofi and brings him to the top rope. Ryback just throws Kofi off the turnbuckle, and begins the beat down.
Kofi tries to fight back, but Ryback hit’s a belly to belly suplex for a 2 count. Ryback begins to taunt Kofi as he is on the ground. Ryback lifts Kofi and places him in a modified Torture Rack. Kofi fights out, and goes to the apron. Kofi goes for a springboard attack but is caught into a power slam. Ryback goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Ryback goes for the Meat Hook but it is reversed by Kofi into a Tornado DDT.
Kofi begins his comeback sequence, followed by the Boom Drop. Kofi sets up for the Trouble in Paradise, but Ryback picks him up for a power slam. Kofi reversed it into a roll up for a 2 count. Kofi goes up top and hit’s a cross body for another 2 count. Ryback takes Kofi down and goes for a second rope splash, but Kofi gets his feet up. Kofi goes for a springboard dropkick and hits it for a 2 count. Ryback gets up and hit’s a Meat Hook. Ryback calls for the end. Ryback hit’s a Shell Shock for the 3 count.
Winner: Ryback

We are shown highlights of the match as Ryback celebrates. We are shown a replay of Sandow vs Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship, where Sandow failed to successively cash in his Money In The Bank contract. We are told Cena will make his return to Smackdown this Friday.

Santino Marella is now making his way to the ring, and he will be in action when we return from commercial.

We return with 3MB making their way to the ring.

Santino Marella vs Heath Slater
Santino starts the match with a roll, as Heath Slater starts with some air guitar. Santino tries to Kip Up but is unsuccessful. Slater throws Santino in the corner, and taunts Santino some more. Both men lock up in the ring, and Santino wins the test of strength. Santino begins to gain some momentum, and Heath gets caught in the ropes to get some space. Slater hits Santino in the gut with the knee and goes for the cover for a 2 count. Slater locks in a headlock as Santino tries to get some help from the fans. Santino gets out and hit’s a couple of punches on Slater, but Santino is knocked straight back down. Slater throws Santino to the outside, but Santino holds on. Santino rolls back in but takes too long and Slater knocks him down. Santino successfully kips up and Slater can not believe it. Santino goes for the cobra but hits Jinder on the apron. He then hits Slater and gets the 3 count.
Winner: Santino Marella

Santino celebrates in the middle of the ring as 3MB looks on from the outside. The Raw Rebound is up next after the commercial break.

We return to the Raw Rebound of Randy Orton’s championship celebration, that is interrupted by The Big Show. We are shown a video of Michael Cole interviewing Triple H. They discuss the lawsuit that Big Show has on the WWE. Triple H says Big Show’s lawsuit doesn’t matter, and that Big Show is banned from the WWE for life.

Fandango and Summer Rae make their way to the ring. We cut to commercial.

We return to The Great Khali making his way to the ring with Natalya and Hornswoggle.

The Great Khali vs Fandango
Fandango starts off the match with a chop to Khali’s chest, but it has no affect. Khali brings Fandango to the corner, and begins to hit multiple elbows to Fandango’s head, as well as a couple chops to the chest. Fandango rolls out to the ring, as Summer asks if he’s okay. Fandango grabs Hornswoggle, but Khali comes down and throws Fandango in the ring. Fandango kicks Khali’s leg as he enters the ring, and begins to work on the leg.
Fandango goes top rope and gets caught with a chop to the chest as he jumps at Khali. Khali is calling for the chop but Summer distracts him. Fandango hit’s a DDT on Khali and then finishes Khali off with the Leg Drop. Fandango goes for the cover and gets a 3 count.
Winner: Fandango

Fandango and a hurting Summer Rae celebrate as we cut to a preview of the second half of Season 1 of Total Divas.

Los Matadores are now making their way to the ring. They are in action right after the following commercial break.

Los Matadores vs Los Locales
Diego starts off the match with one of Los Locales, locking Diego in an arm lock. Diego is knocked down with a shoulder, but kips up right away. Diego hit’s a couple of arm drags, and tags in Fernando. Fernando hit’s a couple of dropkicks, but is taken down with a punch to the stomach. Los Locales make a tag but Fernando immediately takes control. Fernando hit’s a hurricanrana for a 2 count. Los Locales however gain control with a double team dropkick.
Fernando takes a kick to the back but kicks out at 2. Fernando fights out of a leg lock and makes the tag to Diego. El Torito takes out one of Los Locales on the outside. Diego takes out the other in the ring after hitting a monkey flip from the corner. Diego then connects with a top rope axe handle. Fernando is tagged in and Los Matadores hit their double finisher for the 3 count.
Winners: Los Matadores

Los Matadores celebrate in the ring as Main Event concludes. 

By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 
WWE Insider 

Triple H Bans The Big Show For Life & Explains Why He Didn’t Save Shawn Michaels On RAW.

On the official website of the WWE, they have posted the latest storyline interview with the COO Triple H, conducted by Michael Cole today. Below are highlights of the interview:

- Triple H discussed Randy Orton winning the WWE Championship this past Sunday at the Hell In A Cell pay-per-view. He goes on to say that it wasn’t about what he wanted personally, but rather what’s “best for business.”

- The reason why Triple H did not come to the ring to save his best friend Shawn Michaels, when Daniel Bryan applied the “Yes Lock” to him on RAW, is because Michaels asked him to let him handle the situation by himself.

- When Daniel Bryan was attacked by The Wyatt Family backstage on RAW, Triple H said that it was karma for what Bryan did to Michaels earlier in the night. He goes on to say that Bryan got what was coming to him. The COO noted that Bryan was sent to the hospital, while Shawn Michaels walked out of the arena that night.

- Michael Cole brought up that WWE star, and attorney, David Otunga feels that WWE should take The Big Show’s lawsuit very seriously. Triple H interrupted Cole while he was reading the statement, and said as of this moment, The Big Show is banned from the WWE for life. 

By SheaMcHugh 
31st October 2013 
WWE Insider

Jim Ross Q&A: Negotiating A WCW Wrestler To WWE, TNA Being The #2 Company And More.

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his Q&A section on Here are some questions answers.

What was WWF President Jack Tunney like? 
Really, nice, fun respectful guy who was a joy to be around. Was always good for a laugh and a good story.

Was there a reason why WWE never did a 3 man announce team with Monsoon, Heenan and yourself? 
I’d have no idea but I wouldn’t have gone there if asked for my opinion. Heenan and Gorilla did not need me or anyone else. Three man teams rarely work in pro wrestling.

Toughest negotiation you had in trying to bring a WCW guy to the WWF? 
If there were issues it was that in WWE one would work more dates and the guaranteed money would be lower but that there would be no ceiling on what a talent could earn if they clicked.

Will TNA ever be the number two company? 
OMO TNA needs to be re=booted with a new philosophy and structure. Too many people in the biz over think the biz and its simply not that complicated.

More disrespectful to mention the Benoit name on WWE television in anyway shape or form, or to cast a shadow over his wrestling career? 
Considering the actions of Chris in the last hours of his life, I’d suggest that there is no way to separate his wrestling career with the murder/suicide involving his family. He was a great wrestler but his inexplicable actions of the last hours of his life overshadow any wrestling matches in a fictitious world. 

By SheaMcHugh 
30 October 2013 
WWE Insider